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Sudden bouts of memory loss with mood changes and incontinence

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I have been having episodes where I do not remember what happens. I have been told there are two types of events. First, I say I feel weird or I’ll act differently and when asked questions give either no answer or one-word answers. Sometimes my speech doesn’t make sense. I get very emotional and sweaty and I tremble. I typically pass out and when I wake up I slowly become myself again. The second, I am told I act as though I am drunk, I will be normal no indication I have drank anything, but suddenly I’m drunk. My speech makes no sense; it’s slurred and erratic. For example, I mentioned sharing a blue waffle during one or something to that effect. I am very emotional and irrational and may or may not pass out. I may wet myself at some point during this type. This can last for a lot longer than the previous type of episode but I still won’t remember any of it. I have been seeing doctors and have had EEGs that have come back as normal. I am currently doing a video monitored EEG but am unable to trigger an episode. Without any recorded EEG evidence my doctors are very uncommunicative and have provided no real answers with weeks between appointments. I need to know what’s going on. What could be causing it and how can I stop it?

Category: Family Physician-GP

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Category: Internal Medicine Specialist
 20 Doctors Online


Thank you for asking your query at DoctorSpring.

I understand these episodes are frustrating for you, but unfortunately often it is difficult to come to a diagnosis easily in scenarios like this. These episodes shows the evidence that there is a functional abnormality which most probably a seizure activity.

Just as a digestive system malfunction can cause heartburn or diarrhea, a dysfunction of the Brain can manifest as strange symptoms. So to answer your question - what could be the cause -- the cause is most probably seizure activity. The diagnosis is best done by a Video EEG and you need to be patient even though it might be frustrating at times. You might need a MRI study with MRV and MRA (study of the blood vessels) to rule out any blocks. Your Doctor might also go for a functional MRI. The good news is that if the cause is found out it can be treated under normal circumstances with anti epileptic medications. Sometimes the symptoms might disappear by its own altogether. This is not life threatening or seriously damaging, however it requires evaluation.

Hope this helps
Please feel free to ask followup questions.
Thank you

Dr. Steve Merris
Category: Internal Medicine Specialist
Medical School - New York University
Internship in Internal Medicine - Beth Israel Medical Center
Residency in Internal Medicine - Beth Israel Medical Center
Fellowship in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine - Columbia University Medical Center
Dr. Steve Merris and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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