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What does HSV2, CHLAMYDIA test result without symptoms mean?

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I need help or clearer interpretation of my test results. The doc at the clinic said I'm good to go. But he barely speaks clear English to tell me what the results mean. All three test were done using the ELISA methodology. Results are as follows.

result. .84 ratio
Refrench range
Negative less than 0.8
Borderline greater than or = .8 - less than 1.1
Positive greater than or = 1.1

Anti chlamydia trachomatis (igm)
Result. .93 ratio
Refrench range
Negative less than 0.8
Borderline greater than or = .8 - less than 1.1
Positive greater than or = 1.1

Anti chlamydia trachomatis (igg)
Result 107.4 RU/mL
Refrench range
Negative less than 16
Borderline greater than or = 16 - less than 22
Positive greater than or = 22

I have never had any symptoms. I was just doing my annual std test. Again when I left the clinic the doc said I was good and he didn't give me any medication. Is there anything for me to be currently worried about for herpes and with igg test being so high for chlamydia. Am I contagious?

Category: Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD)Specialist

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Category: Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD)Specialist
 22 Doctors Online

Thank you for your query at
I understand your concern.
I have seen your reports and they are fine. You had a previous chlamydial infection, which is showing the IGG antibody positive. Apart from that, herpes is negative and there is no recent evidence of chlamydia.
Do you have any symptoms??
Feel free to discuss further.

Patient replied :

Thanks Doc,
Thats pretty similar to what the doctor at the clinic told me. But its strange becasue i have never had any symptoms of an infection, nor have i been on any type of antibiotics in years. And i have never to my knowelge had an STD. My reason for geting tested was not only for the risk of STDS, but i am a first responder and have had instances where i have had contact with a patients blood so i get checked semi annualy just to be sure all is well . But anywho, if the infection was recent is it possible that it cleared up itself? the last time i had unprotected sex was before this test was taken was back in the middle of june. But it is a relief t hear that i am currently negative for all test.

Yes, the infection has definitely cleared up.
Healthy people with good immunity may never manifest any symptoms, only evidence of infection being the IGG antibody positive test.
You should not worry at all.

Dr. Kalpana Pathak
Category: Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD)Specialist
M.D. from Pt. B D Sharma Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Rohtak in 2011 with Haryana State Dental & Medical Council
M.B.B.S from MLN medical college allahabad in 2006 with Uttar Pradesh Medical Council
Dr. Kalpana Pathak and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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