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Treatment for abnormal TRIGYCERIDE, HDL, LDL, CHOLESTROL.

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Hello Sir...I recently done my Lipid profile test.Results are as per below....Total chl.182mg/dl,Triglycerides 243 mg/dl,HDL 30,Non HDL Chl.152,LDL ch.104.,VLDL ch.48.6
My age is 33,wt.71kg,ht-5'10"
I have been asked to take Aztor 10mg
Please suggest treatment

Category: Cardiologist

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 30 Doctors Online

Thanks for your query at
I understand your concern
Going through lipid profile which show elevated triglycerides, others being normal, I suggest only lifestyle modifications like exercise and avoiding high-fat diets and no medication for the present.
In view of the family history of heart disease, do an echocardiogram and treadmill to assess the heart condition.
Periodically check your lipid profile once in a year.
Dr Satish

Patient replied :

Dear Sir Thanks for reply..I had done echocardiogram and tread mill test in Jan 2014.Results were normal. As per u r view,should I discontinue with prescribed medicine i.e;Azator 10mg?Also Is there no worry regarding any heart disease ?Are the results normal except to reduce triglycerides level?
Thanks Ashish

Dear Ashish,
Since your triglycerides are only increased and being young age, just controlling your diet and eating healthy green leafy vegetables and fruits can help in controlling your lipid profile. I would suggest to continue lifestyle modifications and to avoid taking any tabs to control triglycerides.
Daily exercise for at least 45 to 60 min a day.
These measures will help in controlling your triglycerides.
Check your lipid profile after 3 months.

Dr. Andrew Lewis
Category: Family Physician-GP
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