Hi. My name's Laura, am 30, and emailed earlier in the year after I had an ablation for AVNRT back in May. At the time it was ablated, it was also found that I had another spot in the atria that was causing an additional tachycardia, which was also ablated. It was then found that I had another spot lower down that was was causing a resting heart rate at the time of around 100, but the doctor elected not to ablate it at that time. My resting heart rate now is around 62-68, which was much improved from a previous resting heart rate around 80. Since, I've worn two 24 hour monitors and two 30 day monitors, because I've been having PAC's, PVC's, and another type of arrhythmia that felt like it would race, then pause, do a few slow beats, and then race again. After the latest 30 day monitor, I requested the copies of the events that were recorded. One has preliminary results of "Sinus rhythm, sinus bradycardia, PAC's, Atrial couplet, and Atrial runs"….all within a 90 second recording. The next recoding that submitted a half hour later found preliminary results of "Sinus rhythm, PAC"S, Atrial runs, cannot rule out A-Fib". The other thing that they caught 3 times on the monitor were junctional rhythms. My pulse rate during those rhythms were 74-80. What I'm most concerned at the moment are these junctional rhythms. I am seeing my doctor next week, but this has really been bothering me, and since they haven't received the copies yet, I thought I would ask on here. I know what junctional rhythms are, as I have researched them and all things heart related to exhaustion, but I wanted to get your opinion of it. I am going out of town, and was just bothered by this. Can you please shed some light on this, and let me know if this is something that I need to be overly concerned about? I have uploaded copies for you to look at.
Category: Cardiologist