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Feeling of phlegm in the back of throat

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Been having a feeling of phlegm in the back of throat so I've been trying to swallow it alot, Sometimes I have a runny nose, sometimes I don't but I still have that sensation. Last week I noticed I had a throbbing pain in my throat so I went to the doctor and he prescribed me Omnicef. That pain went away but I noticed on the sides of my throat, under my jaw, like almost in the middle of my neck, I feel like a sensation, sometimes it hurts for a few seconds and sometimes I just feel like someone is just touching me there. I've started to a develop a very mild cough, It will be a 1 cough type thing, not like a cough cough, it will only be one and It wont come back for awhile but I also have some back pain. Idk if its linked but I have just done a drive from Texas to Virginia so I don't know if thats the cause from sitting up or something. I don't have a fever, no nightsweats, no difficulty swallowing, I haven't checked my weight but I don't look any thinner. I have headaches every now and than, but I have a broken tooth which I was told is semi-infected and that my antibiotics Im taking should clear it up but my doctor said I should take amoxicillan for that. But with the whole throat thing, Idk if I strained muscles in the front of my neck or wore my throat out, cause it seems like I threw my throat out from trying to swallow the phlegm from post nasal I guess.

Category: Family Physician-GP

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Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
 20 Doctors Online


Thank you for asking your query at DoctorSpring.

It seems you are having some inflammation in the throat due to an allergy or infection (infection is less likely though). These will cause the lymph glands in the throat to swell up. When the tonsils swell up it can cause the swell up sensation in the side of the throat. When the adenoids or the lymph glands in the waldeyers ring swell up this feeling of pricking or touching occurs.

The cough is related , probably a clearing up cough due to post natal drip.
The approach is pretty straightforward.

1. I recommend steam inhalation twice daily with open mouth for 3 days.
2. Saline gargle with warm water twice a day for 3 days.
3. An OTC anti allergy medication like Ceterizine or Allegra twice a day for 3 days
4. You can take Amoxicillin for the teeth problem as recommended by your Doctor. Since this is a very good antibiotic for throat infection it will serve dual purpose.

Please follow these measures and you should see improvement soon. Hope this helps
Please feel free to ask follow up questions.

Thank you

Patient replied :

Do I take the Amoxicillin twice a day? My back pain in like in the upper middle of my back, could that be my esophagus? Is this something I should be concerned or should I just take allergy meds and do what you said and I'll be okay?

You need to be concerned only in the back pain is persistent for weeks. It could be because of a musculoskeletal cause. You can take an OTC pain reliever like Ibuprofen 400mg twice daily, if there is considerable discomfort.

Amoxicillin typical dosage is 500mg thrice daily (Please consult your Doctor for this).
Do follow the recommendation.

Hope this helps
Thank you

Patient replied :

Oh, one more thing, I recebtly went to the ER about 3 weeks ago due to scrotal pain I had for a few weeks, got an ultra sound and they found a head cyst and gave me antibiotics and told me to follow up with a Urologist. I wasn't able to follow up with one cause none accept my insurance, I still have pain in the upper left area of my scrotal every now and than. It doesn't hurt in the testicle but in the tubing. I've been taking it easy for about a week or 2 but it just comes and goes. Should I be concerned? And the pain is about a 4 out of 10 on the pain scale. Should I just wear a jockstrap and briefs or do I need to go to a doctor again? I finished the antibiotics (Doxycycline) last week.


Yes I would recommend a Urology/ General Surgeon consultation. You can look for a General Surgeon who will accept your insurance. This is probably an epididymal cyst with infection. But since the cyst is persisting better get it check by a Surgeon.

Hope this helps
Thank you

Patient replied :

Thank you, and also, I've had chest pain that comes with the throat pain sometimes, it will be like a throbbing in the breast type thing. It doesn't feel under the ribs but above it like in the muscles, but than again I don't really do much to strain them cause I've had this for a week but had left chest pain for a few months. Could I have a URI? Also, no fever, chills, nightsweats, doesn't hurt to take a deep breathe, etc.

This is not likely to be URI. The pain seems to be non specific and not much of a concern. It should resolve by itsown. This is probably musculoskeletal in origin. You can take a pain medication for Ibuprofen 400 mg for this. If persisting you might need to get an ECG done.

Thank you

Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy
Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
MBBS from Sri Ramachandra University in December 2011
M.Med (Family Medicine) - TNMGR University, Chennai
MBA-MPH in Public Health in March 2016, SRM University
Finished AFIH in March 2016, SRM University
MRCP ( UK ), Internal Medicine, Royal College of Physicians, June 2016
Fellowship in Diabetology from Martin Luther University in January 2017

Currently Resident Physician, in MD Radiodiagnosis - Kamakshi Memorial Hospital, Chennai
Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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