Thank you for your query at DoctorSpring.com.
I understand your concern.
You took a good decision not to continue on with the Testosterone injections.
One dose of Testosterone Enanthenate, even 500 mg is not going to affect the growth of your penis, definitely not negatively. So please relax and stop worrying about this.
In fact, children on regular Testosterone supplementation tends to cause enlargement of genitalia, not the reverse! So there is no way that shot would have an adverse effect on your penis size, girth or lengthwise.
Prolonged Testosterone supplementation can cause early maturation of bones and fusion of growth plates but this is not likely with a single shot.
Weight loss too is not likely to affect penis size. Penis size is quite variable among individuals and is influenced by their genetic make-up. External factors like weight loss or nutritional status do not really have any influence on this.
However, bone growth can be affected adversely with poor nutrition.
I hope that answers your questions. Feel free to ask queries.
Thank you.
Patient replied :
Thanks but I know when you supplement testosterone it shuts down natural production. With no testosterone there wouldn't be any penis growth.. So your saying that one dose would not supress my natural levels long enough to affect my final penis size?
One dose will not shut down natural testosterone production significantly to cause such changes.
You have failed to take into account that you provided your body with Testosterone in that injection. So your body had an excess of Testosterone from that shot which could have caused above normal levels of Testosterone for 3-5 days. At this time, your body would have stopped producing Testosterone. Following this, the level of Testosterone from that shot would have gradually decreased over the next 3-4 weeks. When its level was reaching the lower levels of normal in the circulation, your body's feedback would have kicked in and your body's Testosterone production would have started. So on the whole, your body would not have had any time with "no Testosterone" as you have imagined.
Only long term exogenous Testorenone blocks the endogenous Testosterone production in the body, not a single shot.
Testicular size may decrease, not penile size, that too if Testosterone administration continues for many years.
I hope that clears your doubt.
Thank you.