Continuing chest pain with ST DEPRESSION in EKG.

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I recently visited ER for chest pain, and 10 days prior to that a slightly abnormal EKG.

My latest 7 EKGs within a year showed normal, except one slightly abnormal (as I mentioned). I had a stress test done last week that was borderline. I am 53. My troponin last week at ER visit was 0.01. All blood tests are normal. Last year in April, I went to another ER and they monitored my heart all night, and all results were normal:

My cholesterol has varied 160-240 over the years.
I take Lipitor (40 mg once every few days).
6 EKGs normal in the last year.
1 recent EKG is abnormal = Minimal ST Depression (0.025 MV ST Depression)
Latest Blood Test (ER visit):
Troponin = 0.01
Myoglobin = 24.0
CK-MB (CK-2) = 1.1

AND, one Borderline Stress Test

I have continuing chest pain, but it feels like it is muscle related, and it is on the surface level. It could be because of the brisk walking exercises that I started in the last two weeks, and sleeping on my left side as well.

Attached, all my results on heart in the last 10 years, with emphasis in the last year.
What do you recommend? How bad (if any) is my condition, you think.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Cardiologist

Expert:  Dr. Vivek Mahajan replied 4 Days.

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Patient replied :

Also, I have measured my heart rate in the morning before coffee several times for 4 consecutive mornings, and here are the results:

The GREEN numbers are the BPM.

119 115 120
81 77 76
61 60 57
122 111 117
78 69 77
63 70 64
119 122 119
77 77 76
60 58 58
119 112 119
78 74 77
70 65 61

Expert:  Dr. Vivek Mahajan replied 3 Days.

Unfortunately I don't see the numbers in green and also I see 3 set of numbers.
Which ones are your actual HR?

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Patient replied :

The first top two in each of the 3 columns is my blood pressure.
The third number on the bottom is my heart rate in each column
the average heart rate in morning before eating or coffee is 63

Expert:  Dr. Vivek Mahajan replied 2 Days.

Both your BP and HR are fantastic for your age.
In fact the average HR recorded here around 60 is the HR found in athletes with very strong heart.
So, please do not worry.

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Patient replied :

Thanks Dr. Mahajan again for the second time, that you have been carefully and caringly providing your expert opinion which I value much.
I have several questions here:
1). I was trying to see whether you had the chance to review all my results so far. Were you able to?
2). Due to the fact that I have been obese (20-30 lbs overweight) for many years, on/off, and have had cholesterol issues for a long time, is it possible that I may have caused some damage to the heart, that can NOT be reversed with exercise, dieting, and following up with taking Lipitor daily? In the last 2 weeks, I have lost 7 lbs, and my intention is to go down another 20 lbs in near future. I am also regularly exercising. My worry is that No matter what I do, I may have still caused some damage to the heart that Can Not be reversed.
3). I am also taking baby Aspirin regularly. I am also taking over the counter vitamin for Ear Imbalance called Lipoflavonoid. They say it helps the circulation in the inner ear. Do you think it can also help the heart?
4). Should I also take fish oil which I do now?
5). Finally, here are my results from last year’s (April/2014) ER visit for some tingling issues in my neck and left arm. I was admitted to the hospital for overnight stay since the initial results showed Troponin at 0.06. I was monitored all night for the heart, and further Blood Tests showed Troponin was 0.01 for 3 times. Can you please look at these results too?

Expert:  Dr. Vivek Mahajan replied 1 Day.

Yes, I have reviewed all your reports.
I want to assure you barring that one value of troponin and your cholesterol values, everything else seems normal.
Since you're obese there are chances of MI/ Stroke are always there, so your target should be to lose weight further as you yourself targetted.
I can assure you, if you maintain your diet and lose weight, your heart is in great shape evidenced by your herat rate and BP, and other tests.

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