Thank you for your query at DoctorSpring.com
I understand your concern.
Can you kindly mention what signs are you talking about? And yes, infections such as herpes or HPV, can be in the dormant stage for years,and suddenly show up. However, there are no such conditions which mimic STDs.
Please feel free to discuss further,
Patient replied :
But the likelyhood of not having any symptoms for five years is pretty slim isn't. It just seems hard to believe. I have no signs and symtoms just like always but my girlfriend has developed bumps and sores in here privates and I was wondering If it could be yeast infection or something unrealated to and std
It all depends on the immunity level. Sores and bumps on her privates indicates herpes mostly. And most people with herpes will have an outbreak once in every 2 years.
If you really want to confirm you should get the IGG herpes test done, if it is positive for you, it will indicate a previous infection for you, and a possible transmission to your girlfriend. In such cases, both partners should be tested for IGG/IGM anitbodies for herpes.
Patient replied :
She suffers from many blatter infections and uti's and has had this same little break out twice in about two months isn't that to often to be herpes since neither one of us have had a break out in the first four and a half years of our relationship.
Yes, it could even be a folliculitis or a bacterial infection.
It needs to be examined by a dermatologist for confirmation.
Yes, you are right, herpes does not manifest so frequently. And since you both are in a monogamous relationship with no history of outbreak in first 4 years, the chances of it being herpes is low.