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Cold sore or cancer sore

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Some time ago I had oral sex with my husband & during I felt my lip start to swell.I looked in the mirror and my lip was swollen with a small mucus colored swirl in the middle.I put heat then ice on busted & I had a small scab for a fee days.I thought it was a reaction to my husbands nicotine patch and didn't think anything of it....about a year 1/2 later I was under a lot of stress and had a sore throat & stiff neck that lasted about 2 days.I have had canker sores since I was a teen.I went to work and felt a little tingle on my lip then I had a wasn't red just a bump.a co worker said put abreva on it so I was gone in like a was on my bottom lip but it was part inside my mouth. It was really red right on the inside then it was on my outer lip as a little did scab over but it was never yellow.I have never had a cold sore and I never share drinks or anything Lii was so small no one noticed it until I showed them, even my husband didn't notice until he saw the scab.could it been a bacteria infection or does it have to be a cold sores.from what I understand a/b cold sores they are frequent, very painful,turn yellow and scab over.also they last about 2 weeks.could this be something other than a cold sore?

Category: Internal Medicine Specialist

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Category: Internal Medicine Specialist
 25 Doctors Online

Thank you for asking your query.

From your descriptions it could be a possible herpes simplex (Cold sore) with a secondary bacterial infection. The second possibility is a atypical canker sore - Aphthous ulcer.

Cold sore need not be always recurrent. It can occur just once or for a couple of times. And the presentation can largely vary. They need not be that frequent and painful and recurrent. Since you have a history of canker sore, this could just be canker sore too. If the particular lesion has undergone some trauma or friction it can look atypical. 

Anyway other primary 'infection' is not likely. If you are immunocompetent ( adequate immunity - no diabetes, cancer medication etc) a bacterial infection or abscess is not likely.

So its reasonable to conclude this is a cold sore. However to confirm you will need further testing. For now I recommend you the following :


• Avoid eating acidic foods such as citrus fruits, 

tomatoes, pickles, or other foods such as salty 

snacks if they irritate your cold sore.

• Rinse your mouth as often as necessary with a 

commercial mouthwash product or a solution 

made by mixing one teaspoonful of salt in 500 mL 

of water. These remedies will help soothe cold 

sores and reduce irritation.

• Cold sores are contagious. Avoid contact with 

other persons during the period when the blisters 

are developing. Try not to touch your eyes or genital area unless you have first washed your hands 

thoroughly. Avoid oral sex during an episode as 

this can transmit the infection to the genitals.

• Gently wash the lesion area with a mild soap-free 

liquid cleanser and pat dry with paper towels.

• Discard used towels. Wash your hands carefully 

with a liquid cleanser and water and keep them 

away from cold sore lesions as much as possible.

• You may take analgesics such as ASA, acetaminophen, or ibuprofen to help relieve the severe pain 

of cold sores. Be sure to follow the directions for 

use. Children should not take ASA.

• Keep cold sore lesions moist to prevent drying and 


• Use a sunscreen of SPF 15 or greater on your lips 

and over the area of your face where cold sore 

blisters develop.

• Don’t touch reusable applicators (lipsticks, lip 

balms, etc) directly to the cold sore; apply with 

a finger or other applicator and wash or discard 

immediately, as appropriate. 

Antibiotic oinments can help if there is seconday bacterial infection. Please contact your Doctor regarding this. Other than this you need not take any specific medication for this.
Hope this helps.

Dr. Steve Merris
Category: Internal Medicine Specialist
Medical School - New York University
Internship in Internal Medicine - Beth Israel Medical Center
Residency in Internal Medicine - Beth Israel Medical Center
Fellowship in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine - Columbia University Medical Center
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