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Constant nausea, vomiting with loss of appetite and weight.

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My mother (age: 60 yrs) is having the following symptoms since one and a half month:
Constant vomiting (after every 2-3 hours) (the color of vomit is usually greenish yellow)
Feeling of nausea that stays all the time
Complete loss of appetite
Weight loss
Abdominal pain
Small traces of blood in spit and vomit (sometimes)

She cannot eat anything because of the constant feeling of nausea, accompanied by vomiting after every few hours. She has been hospitalized twice, and her condition didn’t improve. They performed chest X -rays, CT scans, blood tests etc. She was on IV fluids while hospitalized. The doctors say that the reason for vomiting is not connected to gall stones. They suggested everything is normal, and gave her medicines for acidity and vomiting. Her condition has not improved at all. She has no history of previous illnesses or surgeries.
I am including the discharge reports. Please take a look and let me know if you need to ask anything further. I am really worried; could it be something dangerous? I’ve heard about stomach cancer, does her symptoms seems to indicate that? If not, what could be the other reasons for the illness?

Category: Gastroenterologist, Medical

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Category: Hepatologist
 30 Doctors Online

Thanks for posting your query at
I am Dr.R.K and I am pleased to assist you.
Your mother is having late onset dyspepsia with few red flag signs.
The red flag signs include weight loss and blood in vomitus.
Yes, stomach cancer has to be considered in these circumstances though there are other causes as well.
Though CT scan didnt reveal anything, I suggest an upper GI endoscopy may be done to rule out stomach cancer and stomach outlet obstruction.
You can discuss with her gastroenterologist and get an upper GI endoscopy done.
I hope that answers your query.
Let me know if you have any more questions.

Patient replied :

Hi, You suggested upper GI endoscopy to rule out stomach cancer and stomach outlet obstruction, but hasn't that been already done? If you check the report I attached to the original message, on page 3, it says, " She had upper GI endoscopy that showed multiple erosions........."
Would that have to be done again?
Currently she is in the hospital; the doctors cannot figure out the reason for constant vomitting. She is on anti biotics and iv fluids, but her condition is the same. They conducted brain scan too, everything is normal. The doctor was saying that she has inflammation of pancreas, but he also said that it is not the cause of the vomitting because it does not cause such severe issues. He couldn't find out the reason behind persistent vomitting yet.
I am confused, do you have any advice?

Yes, you have sent me the collective reports.
I want to see her CT as well as the endoscopy reports directly.
Will it be possible for you?
The erosions in the duodenum itself can cause persistent vomiting, but for the inflammation of pancreas, I would like to see her report and comment.
How is she now? Haa there been any improvement?

Patient replied :

I am attaching two files to this message. She was discharged from the hospital yesterday because they said they think she is fine and that they couldn’t find out the exact reason for vomiting. She came home about 19 hours ago and has vomited thrice. The attached file by the name of “1” has the investigations they conducted during her stay there. The file that goes by the name “2” contains the CT scans the other hospital conducted a few weeks ago along with their findings. They did not provide me with the endoscopy reports.
Although most of the doctors are denying it, two nurses (unofficially) told me that that the stones could be the reason for the persistent vomiting, nausea, and not being able to keep the food or water down for over a month. Could that be the reason? Please check both files that I attached; I will wait for your opinion.

Can you kindly reattach the files again?
There is some problem opening the files.

Patient replied :

Attached both files again.

I went through the reports.
Gallstones as such do not cause nausea and vomiting.
Only when the stones cause inflammation ( Cholecystitis), they can cause vomiting.
In your earlier post you mentioned the endoscopy showed erosions. These erosions can cause nausea and vomiting.
Please let me know if you have any anymore questions.

Dr. Ratnakar Kini
Category: Hepatologist
Fellowship - DM - TN Dr.MGR Medical UniversityResidency - TN Dr.MGR Medical University Medical School - Stanely Medical College, TN Dr.MGR Medical University
Dr. Ratnakar Kini and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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