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Seborrhoeic dermatitis

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att: Dr Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar
Hi, I am seeking a soultion for a long lasting problem? After a sexual exposure I got what i thought at that point was a male yeast infection, it started out with some red dot´s, than after a month my glans had raised flesh coloured bumps all over. I have been to a dermatologist, he said it was seborraich dermatitis on penis and scalp, and I had dyshidrotic eszcema on palms and soles. My problem is while I am having itchy inflamed scalp, my girlfriend and older daughter and motherinlaw also hav red inflamed scalps. I have read that scabies does not go on scalp on adults, is this true? I am thinking of scabies, because it seems we all have something although I would descripe this as uncomfortable rather than very itchy.
I have tested for:
all tests are negativ.
I would like some thoughts of possible reasons?

Category: Dermatologist

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Category: Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon
 19 Doctors Online


Thank you for the follow-up consult. I can understand your concern.

Scabies doesn't affect the scalp in adults.

Please send some pictures of your lesions to enable me to opine regarding the diagnosis and management. Please upload as follow-up or email to


Patient replied :

Hi, please respect pictures privacy (not public)
My older daughter has scaly skin on her scalp, while my younger daughter has scaly skin on her palms. My girlfriends rash, is like small pimples that scab over, their placed on her groin area also on her waistline, but her worst symptoms is extremly itchy scalp. I, girlfriend, motherinlaw, older daugter all have very itchy scalps. I also am beeing treated for athletes feet the last 2 months with terbinafin pills. We all have similar dry palms, but not between fingerwebs, where I have read scabies are typical. Looking forward to your imput. My penis used to smooth looking skin before this incidence that happened 18 months ago.


Thanks for your reply. I can understand your concern.

From the pictures it doesn't seem to be scabies. Scabies doesn't affect scalp in adults only in young children. How old are your daughters?

You seem to be having an eczema on your scalp which might have secondary yeast infection.

The treatment for that would be application of cortisone and clotrimazole creams.

Your palms seem to be having dyshidrotic eczema, cortisone cream application would help with that.

Apart from scabies, infestation of lice in the scalp hair can give rise to itchy scalp. You could check for nits n lice.

Anti histamines would help in controlling the itching.

Please let me know if you have any queries.

Take care

Patient replied :

My daughters are 3-5 years old. How is it possible we all suddenly have eczcema/peeling palms? Itchy heads? My wife and older daughter have had lice, and have ended treatment some time ago, and we have checked multiple times for lice after. What do you make of the pictures of penis? what kind of rash do you think that is?


Thanks for your reply.

The rash on the penis seems to be due to yeast infection, the treatment for it would be application of clotrimazole cream and cortisone cream twice a day for two weeks.

The other possibility for the symptoms could be due to an irritation to the detergent being used in the house or to a soap. Taking an anti histamine and changing the detergent might prove useful.

Take care

Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar
Category: Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon
Diploma in Dermatology - Royal College Of Physicians & Surgeons Of Glasgow, UK , 2010
Residency - DNB, Dermatology -  K.J Somaiya Hospital, Mumbai, 2009
Medical School & Internship - MBBS - Dr. D . Y . Patil Medical College, Mumbai, 2004
Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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