Thank you for posting your query at DoctorSpring.com
I understand your concern
I have noted your symptoms and they are suggestive of vascular disturbances related to change in posture. Changes in pulse rate, heart rate and blood pressure are common after change of position or posture. It happens in every one, and is more pronounced in some people, as in your case. Also, these changes normalize on own in a few seconds to minutes, and symptoms stop.
Since, it is an exaggeration of normal physiological phenomena, all investigations would be normal.
Generally, no treatment is required. However, if these are troubling you, beta blockers such as propranolol would be useful.
I hope it helps.
Best wishes,
Dr. Sudhir Kumar MD (Medicine), DM (Neurology)
Senior Consultant Neurologist
Patient replied :
Thank you for your response. I did have a procedure done about 7 years old patientago because I had a condition known as dysautonomia. I had an irregular heart beat and experience a fast heartbeat at rest. I was on beta blockers for years old patientand they did help at first. I had a sinus node modification and had good results. I did not need a pace maker. The symptoms I have now did not appear until about 4 years old patientago. I was found to have a problem with a disc in my neck that required cervical fusion. My hope and the hope of my surgeon was that after neck surgery the pulsating pressure would cease. The surgery had no affect on the preassure at all. It has been 2 years old patientsince my neck surgery. Would you suggest a consult with a cardiologist?
Thank you for getting back and providing more details.
The current symptoms could be partly related to dysautonomia.
Cervical disc does not cause these symptoms and so, the failure of cervical fusion to stop these symptoms was expected.
Instead of a general cardiologist, it would be more useful to consult a cardiac electrophysiologist.
Best wishes,
Dr. Sudhir Kumar MD (Medicine), DM (Neurology)
Senior Consultant Neurologist
Patient replied :
Can you recommend a cardiac electrophysiologist in or near San Antonio, Texas?
I am sorry, I am here in India, I am not aware of any such specialist in Texas.
If i do find out, I will let you know,
Patient replied :
Ok I was not aware that you were so far away. Thank you for your time and guidance.