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Can maximuscle lean and maximuscle thermobol tablets be taken with Simvastatin and Ramipril?

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Hi, i have recently started to use a gym because i am a few stone over weight and wish to get fitter etc.... i have een looking into supplements that may aid my weight loss along side my diet and exorcize program, namely maximuscle lean, and maximuscle thermobol tablets.My question is, are these ok to use as i am currently taking 5mg Ramipril (for my blood pressure) and 40mg Simvastatin (cholesterol) and if so what are the possible side effects concerning my current medication?

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 20 Doctors Online

Hello, Thank you for asking your query at DoctorSpring.

Its great that you have taken the step to reduce your weight, going to gym and working out the fat is a good start. As you are hypertensive, its important you maintain a good and healthy weight.

In my opinion, there is no need to take supplements like maximuscle lean to lose your weight. Simvastatin does have lower efficacy when taken with calcium or vitamins. You don't want anything effecting your drugs efficacy rite. These supplements are usually taken by athletes, for good performance. It would be better if you avoid these supplements, rather go for natural supplements. You can take proteins like nuts and driedfruits, fibre like fruits and vegetables, meat like skinned out chicken, egg are all natural supplements if taken whwn you are exercising will reduce your weight.

As you are hypertensive I also suggest you to go for, meditation or yoga. Its evidence proof that they help you to maintain your blood pressur and relieve your body of toxins and reduce weight in a healthy way.

Hope this helps.Please feel free to ask follow-up questions

Dr. John Monheit
Category: Family Physician-GP
Residecny: North Colorado Family Medicine
Medical School: The Chicago Medical Center
Dr. John Monheit and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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