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Lost insurance and broken hand and in pain

Resolved Question:

I recently lost my health insurance due to a job change. I have a broken right hand and calcium buildup on right hand causing pain. I have reviewed some websites that do a doctor consultation online and prescribe if needed. I have been prescribed ultram it is effictive and safe along with physical therapy is this a site where I can do this? Thank you, Lou

Category: Family Physician-GP

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Category: Pediatrician
 30 Doctors Online


I am sorry but the Doctors are not allowed to prescribe. However, you could utilize the service in future to get recommendation on treatment plan apart from information, advice and opinions on Diagnostics, symptoms etc.

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Thank you

Dr. Raj Rani Mitra
Category: Pediatrician
M.R.C.PCh Royal College of Paediatrics and child health 2009 
M.R.C.P. Royal College of Physicians U.K. 1974
D.C.H. Royal College of Physicians, London, U.K. 1971
M.B.B.S. Calcutta University, India 1965
Dr. Raj Rani Mitra and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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