White raised dot, marks in inner vagina. Reason?

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Resolved question:
I'm a 25 year old female that is not sexually active. On the inner lips of my vagina I have white dot like marks. They are slightly raised and rough to feel. They cause not problems or symptom. I am just interested to know what they are.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: OBGYN

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 4 Days.

Thanks for posting you query at DoctorSpring.com

I have gone through the photos attached.
There is nothing to worry.
This is a condition called vestibular papillomatosis.
It is a normal anatomical variant , there is nothing to worry about it.
IT is just a normal type of growth of follicle like areas on the labia.
You can read more at this link -
Nothing needs to be done about it, unless it bothers you aesthetically.
Sorry for the delay in my response, I had no access to the internet for a few hours.

All the best
Please feel free to discuss further.

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