Thanks for writing to DoctorSpring.com with your health concern.
Pregnancy after a tubal ligation is very rare.
It can be easily ruled out by a pregnancy test if you are doubtful.
Following childbirth, periods are irregular in many women.
Also, weight gain is obviously common too.
The abdomen takes time to come back to the normal shape.
You need to put in dedicated exercise and follow a strict diet regimen.
I would ask you to have the following investigations anyway -
1. Pregnancy test.
2. Pelvic scan to rule out any lesion in the uterus or ovaries causing the menstrual symptoms.
3. TSH, Calcium, Vitamin D levels.
Regarding diarrhoea, take a lot of curd, yoghurt and a daily dose of probiotics in your diet.
Give yourself atleast 6 months for your body to recover from childbirth and come back to its normal self.
Are you breastfeeding ?
All the best.
Please feel free to discuss further.
Patient replied :
My youngest child is 18 months. I stopped breast feeding in January of this year, which is when my cycle got back to being monthly. I watch what I eat pretty well and have recently cut out a lot of sugar. I live a VERY active, physically demanding life-stay at home mom of 3 on a farm(all outdoor duties are done by me whether it be gardening, caring for animals, etc.). I also groom dogs. I actually have had a major loss of appetite within the past month. I will mention also that I had a pregnancy "scare" while breast feeding. I had missed 2 months of cycles and began getting sick in the mornings. I took pregnancy tests-all 6 were positive. I made an appointment with my doctor who was unable to get me in for several days. On the morning of my appointment, I took another that came back negative and my blood test was negative that day. It all seems very odd to me. My period started 3 days later and was extremely bad. I was unable to leave the house for several days.
It is unheard of , having 6 positive tests, after a tubal, followed ultimately by negative urine and blood tests !
Please try and have the workup as suggested earlier.
WIth your active lifestyle and healthy eating, there is no reason to have the issues you are facing.
Take care.