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Can panic, anxiety cause chest tightness and breathlessness?

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Over 14 Years , I have taken 6 Pulmonary Function tests. The First Test taken in late 2000, the last July of 2014 .

The first had the following results, FVC 110% of Predicted, FEV1 103% of predicted, Ratio Fev1/FVC 77%, FEV 25-75 85% Dlco 87 TLC 110, DLCO/VA 61%

Most Current one FVC 114, FEV1 103, /ratio 72%, FEV25 75 69%m DLCO 81 TLC 102, DLOC/VA 83

The four tests in between have varied little from the range of these two that I have listed. The only one that has bounces is FEV25/75, it has dropped to 49% and back up. The pulmonologist has concluded, a mild Ventilatory defect with small air trappings. Over this entire time it has been considered "a Very mild obstruction". The pulmonologist has recently reported it as Asthmatic Bronchitis, but I have no cough or mucus.

Until 2008, I have been physically active in that I ride 25 miles a day on the bike, 3 days a week. In 2008 I became a grandpa and have exercised less and less. I am not sure how much of this I can attribute to my problem but I am sure that lack of exercise has some part of my problem.

I need an answer to the question, If all of the pft's stay at similar percentage of predicted levels, should I see any physical changes that were not visible before? I have talked to Pulmonologist, Pulmonologist nurse and a certified Respiratory therapist who all say pretty much the same. That there should not be any changes since the Tests are the same. I forgot to mention, I can blow full meter on athma tester.

I do have high anxiety and constant gad Panic, Could this issue cause such a tighness around the upper chest with inspiration that inhaling must take place in lower area where it should and then cause stomach to press on lungs. When I took my first PFT, the Pulmonary DR included in her diagnosis that i had high anxiety and that was most of my breathing issue at the time. 6 months ago, I was on the treadmill and while walking, I answered a phone call. The combination of talking and walking made me Short of Breath. It has happened a couple other times and is frightening when it seems to be different than usual getting winded.

The big question in this text is to understand if Panic and High anxiety can tighten up chest to keep from taking a good breath in. I also notice a burning in my throat similar to that you get when running except it is noticeable all day long. When I go to sleep it dissappears. I think that is overbreathing.

I really have not seen much change over the years except for becoming short of breath (SOB) when talking or answering the phone. I also can become S.O.B. when walking and talking or just trying to talk when physically active.

I have had a series of heart tests over the past few years and they all are fine so that is excluded. Reflux is there but controlled with meds.

Category: Orthopedic Surgeon

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Category: Spine Surgeon
 26 Doctors Online

Thank you for your query at
I have read your query with diligence .
Going through your MRI ,it looks that you are having compression of nerves at cervical spine and this is due to protruded disc.In your case this is mild nature.
For this conservative treatment with help of physiotherapy will be very helpful.Taking analgesic like tramadol with paracetamol will be helpful In relieving pain.
Hope this will help you.
Feel free to discuss further,

Patient replied :

What kind of Physiotherapy to be followed and how long i should do

You should do range of movement exercises for neck,followed by strengthening exercises for cervical muscles.
Your physiotherapist will explain you all this.You should ask for intermittent cervical traction therapy.These will be very helpful for you.
You may buy your own traction unit for cervical traction.This is available in market & does not cost too much.After learning these exercises you may do these at home.You should do it at least once a day.You may continue it for at least a month.

Patient replied :

Doctor, Can I travel under this condition by car

Yes you can definitely travel as it is nothing serious.
But do start the physiotherapy as soon as possible.

Patient replied :

Two weeks back I had undergone master health check up and all my blood and urine reports are normal But my vitamin D3 level is below 10.Will it affect my recover y.As per Doctor's advise I am started taking tablets now

No low vitamin d3 levels won't cause any problem in your recovery.
With aging process, vitamin d3 levels comes down and it needs to be supplemented. Or else later there will be a problem with the joints due to increased osteoclastic activity.
Since you have started taking tablets it will get better.

Dr. Mukesh Tiwari
Category: Spine Surgeon
Fellowship - Khandaka Hospital, Jaipur
Residency - MS, Rabindranath Tagore Medical College, Udaipur, 2000
Medical School, Internship - MBBS, SMS Medical College, Jaipur, 1995
Dr. Mukesh Tiwari and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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