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Vibration in abdomen after drinking alcohol. Cause.

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Hello sir,

this is anshul narayan prasad. 30 years old. from last one month i having problem a slight vibration in my lower right ab domain..act i have habit of drinking alcohol from last 5 years ocassenly but its increase from last two year. its vibration feel after my drinking or while drinking. when i felt like this i left alcohol completely last one month.. sometime i feel pain also in these area. my weight 72 kg. no ny other serious medical history.,.no any other problem apart from this., I want to know why this happen and whats a treatment ???

anshul narayan prasad

Category: Hepatologist

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Category: Hepatologist
 25 Doctors Online

Thank you for your query at
I understand your concern.
Can you explain your symptoms more in detail? Where exactly do you feel the vibration? Is it more like a sound that comes from your stomach? Is there any pain in the center of the abdomen?
How is your appetite? Any symptoms of heartburn?
How much alcohol do you drink on an average? Can you quantify on an weekly basis?
Once you reply, i will get back to you.

Patient replied :

hello sir,
i clearly in detail. actualy vibration happen when i having empty stomach or after taking alcohel..its like cell phone vibration. not heavy sound..i m living alone so appetite is irereguler. someee times i ate eve directly . no breakfast or sometime take breakfast.. that cause sometime i having gastic problem but its vibration statt br a month..some time pain in that area lower side beside navel,for drinking some times its regurley basis if its alcohel then 4 pag or beer 1 botel. or some times its interval of 10days or 15 days.. if any other information you want please reply


Thank you Mr. Anshul.
So from your history it is clear, that your diet is irregular and you have on and off alcohol consumption history.
Sometimes you can't even eat food till evening and that leads to further vibration feeling.
What you're having is acute gastritis, and that is a cause of concern, because if you do not change your dietary habits soon, you may develop ulcer. Empty stomach, can induce a lot of bacterial action inside the stomach, increasing the acid formation, stimulating more peristalsis, which can create this vibration feeling.
Now you won't understand. But slowly you will be losing your appetite. If this continues, ulcer will gradually develop. So you got to start having meals at fixed time. If you don't have time at least have cereals. Like corn flakes or oats in the morning. If you are taking alcohol once in a while, it's fine but try to limit it once in 2 weeks, especially now that you have developed gastritis.
I want you to take the following medicines for next 2 weeks and get back to me :
1) Cap. Omeprazole 20 mg, once daily for 14 days, before breakfast.
2) Syp. Sucralfil-O 2 teaspoons once in morning, and once at bed time for 7 days.
3) Tab. Udiliv 300 once daily at bed time for 2 weeks.
Please take the medicines and let me know if there is improvement.
Best Regards.

Patient replied :

thanks alot sir for ur concern,
actualy i was scared and mentely tense . due to habbit of alcohel think for liver i comp stop taking alcohel...i m working as a assistant engineeer in mp state electrcity board and job profile is much tough . i will take medicine after that will rever back

Dr. Ratnakar Kini
Category: Hepatologist
Fellowship - DM - TN Dr.MGR Medical UniversityResidency - TN Dr.MGR Medical University Medical School - Stanely Medical College, TN Dr.MGR Medical University
Dr. Ratnakar Kini and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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