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Treatment of pelvic pain with ENDOMETRIOSIS.Antibiotics.

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2 weeks ago I had left iliohypogastric nerve, gentomoarl nerve block + tpi surapubic area with lasdepo 80 for pain in mid-pelvic area. This exacerbated things for 4-5 days then things improved for 4-5 days and now I am in worse pain than before I started. Over the last 3 yrs I was diagnosed and had stage 4 endometriosis removed. It all started with urinary urgency sensation in mid surapubic area approx 1-2 inches underneath 7 yr old c-section scar. After endo was removed bladder problems continued, I am now being treated in London for painful bladder syndrome/IC with long term antibiotics - Azithromycin every other day and Cefalexin - so far for 5wks - this may change as I am having urine cultured - depends what is found? I also have a small herniated disc at s1/l5 which is not pressing on anything currently, an annular tear and arachnoid cyst in sacram 3cm. I also have a small urethral caruncle which I noticed after hormone treatment after endo removal. As you can imagine I am in pain with one things or another in pelvic area. I have also started getting cramping sensations (very uncomfortable) at top of thighs underneath bottom cheeks exactly in middle. I am waiting to have epidural and other injections in to back and then re-hab programme. I am worried that the injections in to serapubic area have made things worse and will they get better? Before I had them done I was managing things ok but now am needing pain killers on top of already strong anti-biotics and amiptryline at night. Will my stomach stop being so bloated after anti-biotic programme has finished - I look like I am 5 months pregnant, it is extremely uncomfortable. Can anti-biotics cause aching in bones, any other side effects.

Category: OBGYN

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Category: Infertility Specialist
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Thanks for choosing
I understand your concern.
Firstly, have your urine cultured before taking empirical indiscriminate antibiotics.
IT has been two weeks since your nerve block, give your mind and body some time.
Taper off the painkillers as this is too much of it.
Antibiotics will not cause any major side effects.
Also, the injections will start working in a few days.
Bloating and weight gain are side effects of the drug cocktail you are imbibing.
Take the antibiotics and only very necessary painkillers.
Yoga and meditation will definitely help you.
Just remember that this is a phase, and will pass.
All the best
Please feel free to discuss further.

Patient replied :

Thanks for your response, I have had my urine looked at my 1st initial appointment and I had urotheial cells shedding in my urine - a sign of infection, I have also had urine cultured and am waiting for results to see whether anti-biotics regime needs to be changed or be more specific impending. The Prof that I am seeing for bladder LUTS specialises in this and has treats IC with long term anti-biotics and my urine is being tested at a much higher level than standard tests/procedures carried out and regularly all the way through. When I have finished anti-biotic treatment will bloating subside? I am taking pro-biotics outside anti-biotics 2 hrs apart, is there anything else that can help me? I have some capsaican cream, how long does this take to have effect on painful areas?

Hello. Thanks for writing to us again.
Capsaicin cream would work immediately and you can expect positive results very soon, if you use it regularly.
So would aloe vera gel and simple cold ice compresses.
Yes, the bloating should be better after antibiotic therapy and also once you taper down on the multiple painkillers.
Do write to us if you have additional queries.
Wish you luck.

Dr. Aarti Vazirani
Category: Infertility Specialist
Residency: Obstetrics & Gynecolog, BJMC,Civil hospital, Ahmedabad, 2008
Post Graduate: MS (Obstetrics & Gynecology), B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2008
Medical School: MBBS, B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2004
Dr. Aarti Vazirani and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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