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Treatment for reoccuring UTI after sex.

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I have reoccuring UTI at least 3 times in the past year and have been taking cipro everytime that happens. I only get UTI after intercourse. Most of the time I urinate after intercourse to lower the risk but I still get UTI sometimes. Should be seeing a gynae to do more intensive check ups to see if it is bigger than a UTI? Im afraid if i have stones in my urinary tract. A general doctor would not be able to detect that and just prescribe me cipro antibiotic everytime. I dont want to get cured because of cipro everytime and have to deal with a much more serious disease in the future such as child bearing.

Category: OBGYN

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Category: Infertility Specialist
 25 Doctors Online

Thanks for posting your query at
Please let me know one thing - you mention that you have taken Cipro every time whenever you have had UTI.
Was it culture based treatment ?
I mean - was a urine culture done and was the antibiotic chosen based on the report ?
Did a doctor prescribe Cipro each time ?
What is your age ?
Please let me know these details.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Take care.

Patient replied :

im not sure what you mean by culture based treatment. but yes i took a urine test and they told me each time that i have an uti, based on the results. and hence the cipro. im taking 250mg every 6 hrs.
im turning 23 in november. I have only been sexually active 1 year ago and thats when the UTI got more frequent. before that, it was not often at all and i just got a uti once a year.

Let me explain.
When a UTI is suspected, 2 tests are carried out.
The first is a basic simple urine routine and microscopy test, wherein UTI is diagnosed.
The second , and more important, is a urine culture test, where the particular bacteria or organism causing the UTI is pinpointed, and it is shown to what antibiotic it is sensitive.
If treatment is given empirically ( randomly ) without urine culture test, it is likely that you are being given the wrong treatment, or incomplete treatment, or inadequate treatment.
Hence my question, and hence you can see why your answer is so important.
Feel free to discuss further,

Patient replied :

i just went to a centra care everytime and not a gynae/urologist so im guessing it is not culture. it just showed a piece of paper sith minimal information i guess about white blood cells as far as i can rmb. should i have went to a specialist?
so let's say it is an incomplete treatment, hence it keeps reoccuring? other than a UTI, what other serious infection should it be and what are the symptoms?

I think it is just a simple UTI that was not properly treated with the requisite antibiotics.
Next time, yes, ensure that you have a urine culture done.
Also, with recurrent UTIs it is a must to have a scan of the kidneys, ureters and bladders.
Sometimes a niggling stone or some constriction in the urinary tract can precipitate recurrent UTIs.
Get yourself and your partner screened for STDs.
Get a vaginal swab done to pick up any harbouring infection that is triggering the UTIs.
Get your blood sugars tested to rule out diabetes.
Drink lots of water and fluids on a daily basis, that is essential.
After intercourse, make it a point to urinate and clean the area.
Do not use extensive cleansers, soaps, gels, douches etc.
Just plain water is enough.
These are some pointers for you.
Hope they help.
Take care

Patient replied :

I am highly doubtful it is an std. Do you propose to see the doctor this time or if it happens again the next time? And those scans will be done i that at what kind of specialist? gynae or urologist? What if we give it a few days and I feel no more pain anymore, assuming my UTI is gone, is it too late to see a specialist or must I still be having the UTI to be checked? Since you propose a vsainal swab. what are the symptoms and effects of stones? Would it get more serious if I do not go to the doctors?

Yes, a Gynaecologist or a Urologist can see you.
The gynecologist would perform the vaginal swab.
Kidney stones can manifest as recurrent UTIs, intermittent pain in the flanks, burning or blood in urine etc.
You need to be having an active UTI for a urine culture to be conclusive, but the rest of the investigations can be done anytime. You were very concerned, and rightly so, about recurrent UTIs, hence the recommendation to see a Specialist.
An STD screen was just one of the points in the list I suggested, as that would pick up any lingering infections that you or your partner could have, that could be triggering UTIs.

Take care.

Dr. Aarti Vazirani
Category: Infertility Specialist
Residency: Obstetrics & Gynecolog, BJMC,Civil hospital, Ahmedabad, 2008
Post Graduate: MS (Obstetrics & Gynecology), B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2008
Medical School: MBBS, B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2004
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