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Dense breasts on MAMMO/ULTRASOUND. Rule out IBC?

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I am 38, have large breasts, and noticed the always larger breast seemed larger or hanged lower than I noticed before. I also have an area above the nipple on the bigger breast that has a tan shadowy blotchy look to it (possible bruising associated with IBC??) but in closer look it seems those spots are tiny spider veins.... Does that make sense? I just had a 3d mammo and ultrasound done. I was told I had dense breasts (normal for my age) but the found absolutely nothing. Can these tests rule out IBC with dense breasts? Should I be happy about this or not? I've read soo many scary stories of IBC and it not bring found and misdiagnosed and even some people with barely any of the common symptoms. What do you think? Should I feel confident in these findings?

Category: Radiologist

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Category: Radiologist
 30 Doctors Online

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Most likely a negative 3D mammogram & USG will pick up at least 95 % of IBC , however in your situation with dense large breasts I would suggest you may get a MR mammogram , especially if you have a family history of breast carcinoma.
Keep a watch for any discharge from the nipple , which can be check for malignant cells by a pathologist if required.
Are you married / sexually active currently?
Have you breast fed your kids , if so for how many years old patient??
Kindly reply as a follow up,

Patient replied :

My mother had breast cancer at 52, nobody else in her family or on my dad's side. She had a mass removed and underwent chemo and is still alive 20 years old patientlater. My main question is really should I feel pretty confident in the tests I had? The radiologist felt very confident in her findings. My dr thinks I should feel confident in them especially since I really had no symptoms except one larger breast that had always been larger. I only noticed it was hanging lower, don't remember noticing that before. They feel it's aging. I am married 20 years old patientonly been with him and have 6 kids, breast fed 3, 1 for 1 year 2

Yes considering your marital and obstetric history, I would not worry at all .

Just do a breast self examination every week & get a mammogram done every six months considering your moms history.
As of now, i can assure there is nothing to worry about.

Wish u good health always

Dr. Rohit Malik

Dr. Rohit Malik
Category: Radiologist
Residency, Fellowship: DNB, DMRD, DMRE, Diagnostic Radiology Residency Program, Seth G.S. Medical College & KEM Hospital, 1997 – 2001
Medical School: MBBS, Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS), Lokmanya TIlak Muncipal Medical College, 1991 – 1997
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