Treatment for high BP, headaches without medicines.

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This is Kanha 24 male from India.
I am facing a high Bp problem ( highest recorded upto 150/90 ) from last few months causing a frequent headache. I am slim, never smoke or drink.
I do not want to depend on medicines at this young age, what should I do.
Secondary sir, I often get afraid of the consequences of High Bp.

Thanks in advance ! I am in serious need of help.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query at
As far as hyperlipidemia, and hypertension is concerned, he is on adequate drugs. In fact he is on a combination treatment for hypertension, and for his hyperlipidemia he is on Simvastatin 80 mg, which is the highest possible dose.
The central cause for all these conditions is obesity, and unless the weight is brought down under control, the medicines are not going to be effective. Rather the chances of terminal life events such as MI/ Cerebrovascular Disease increase.
What is his current weight? And what diet is he on?
Kindly reply as a follow up,

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Patient replied :

Hello Doc, 200lbs weight with low cholesterol diet. Do you think current drug treatment needs to be modified or any alternative option for the patient in terms of drug treatment?

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.

200 lbs is not alarmingly high, so that can be brought down. That is a good sign.
Regarding the current drug treatment you can discuss with your local physician to shift to ACEs ( Enalapril ) or ARBs ( Losartan/ Telmisartan ) for effective BP control instead of atenolol. They are better for heart, prevent cardiac remodeling, and prevents MI.
Apart from that he is on correct treatment.
If he can bring down his weight, then it will be bring down the chances of terminal life events significantly.

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Patient replied :

Thank you Doc.

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 2 Days.

Thank you for your appreciation.
Let me know if you have any other queries in the future.

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