Thanks for writing at DoctorSpring.com with your health concern.
The possibility is that it could be a remnant of the hymen. More likely it could be a vaginal skin tag. These are small fleshy bits of tissue that can feel the way you describe.
A rare possibility is genital warts.
Sometimes, a small cyst inside the labial folds also can present in the same way.
As you can very well realize, you need to consult a gynecologist, and have a proper internal check up - per vaginum and per speculum to know the exact entity.
It would also help me if can upload a snap and send it across to me, so that I can opine more specifically.
All the best.
Do feel free to discuss this further.
Take care.
Patient replied :
Thanks for your reply i uploaded a snap of her vagina.
I want you to tell me what is it and tell me if its dangours or normal.
Thanks again.
It does not look dangerous at all.
To me, it looks like a hymenal skin tag / vaginal skin tag.
Please get this diagnosis confirmed by a professional after proper examination and palpation.
Take care.