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Hi, my left wrist hurts when i pull it back (or when i try to push myself out of bed, or do a push up). It also hurts when i punch the boxing bag with a glove at impact.

It doesn't hurt otherwise, it seems to have full motion, if i rotate it around, no pain, except when i'm doing a fist and turning it clockwise. If i squeeze around all corners of my wrise, no pain whatsoever.

I've had the pain for about a month or maybe longer. not sure what caused it, but i did get in a fight and sprained my left thumb so it might be related.

I also have a few other general problems (Plantar fasciitis, slight slipped disk L5/S5, etc..). My question is just about my wrist though:

- what seems to be the problem? Artheritis? tendiniteous? etc...?
- what can i do to heal it?

Unfortunately i do not have Xrays or MRIs to share, so i would very much appreciate a diagnosis and a remedy with the above description, thanks

Category: Orthopedic Surgeon

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Category: Spine Surgeon
 18 Doctors Online


Thank you for choosing DoctorSpring.

You are most likely having a tendinitis or tenosynovitis in the wrist. Extensor carpi ulnaris (ECU) tendonitis is a strong possibility, but a confirmed diagnosis will need a direct physical examination.

For now you will need to rest the wrist. Apply a neutral wrist brace (available OTC) . Take a NSAID pain medication for the anti inflammatory properties. (Like Ibuprofen 400 mg twice daily for 5-6 days). With 2-4 weeks of tests and avoidance of extreme flexion and extension you can expect good to complete releife of symptoms.

If symptoms persists beyond 4 weeks you will need an Xray of wrist and consultation with your Doctor.

Hope this helps
Feel free to ask followups
Thank you

Patient replied :

Hi doc, Thx for your reply. I'm an athlete and must work out 4 days a week using my hands. Can I wear the wrist brace during the day but still work out for an hour or day?


I would say you should not work out. The brace will help to keep the wrist in neutral position. But when working out your wrist can go to extreme extension in many exercises (which could be the cause of the pain in the first place). Both upper limb and lower limb exercises will require you to hold a weight or bar/support firmly with your wrist (while under extension). This could not be good for your joint.

Hope this helps
Feel free to ask followups
Thank you

Dr. Mukesh Tiwari
Category: Spine Surgeon
Fellowship - Khandaka Hospital, Jaipur
Residency - MS, Rabindranath Tagore Medical College, Udaipur, 2000
Medical School, Internship - MBBS, SMS Medical College, Jaipur, 1995
Dr. Mukesh Tiwari and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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