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Stomach bloating and loose motion.

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My mother is suffering from stomach bloating problem for past 4 days & earlier she had loose motion but now it is under control. Also she could able to sense small sound from her stomach. feeling very tired and seems to be lost little weight. please advice

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 23 Doctors Online


Our stomach producing noises is normal. These bowel sounds are called as borbogymi. Every time food passes through the stomach into colon, there will be noises produced. In fact we check if there is normal peristalsis and if gastrointestinal system is working normally by keeping our stethoscope on abdomen and checking if noises are produced. Especially after a surgery, the patient is asked to not eat anything until we here the noise in abdomen. These bowel sounds are normal.

As she had diarrhea, the hyperactivity of stomach also could be the cause for these bloating problems and bowel noises. I suggest you do the following,

  1. Firstly, I suggest you don’t keep your stomach empty. As you have had diarrhea, your stomach has been hyperactive and the food undigested or digested has been expelled out. This just means your stomach is empty, which is the cause for noises from your stomach.
  2. Have small amount of food within short period of time; by this you wouldn't be keeping your stomach empty.
  3. High fiber and high carbohydrate food increases flatulence, try bringing a little change in your diet if you are consuming them in high amounts.
  4. Make sure that if you have had a stomach infection, being the cause for your diarrhea, the infection has been removed.

Thank you.

Dr. John Monheit
Category: Family Physician-GP
Residecny: North Colorado Family Medicine
Medical School: The Chicago Medical Center
Dr. John Monheit and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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