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Spotting after periods and cervical erosion

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2 days after my period ended I starting to have a bit of spotting, started red and then turned brown and disappeared after a few days. It was only a small amount and only happened when I wiped, but not every time. I saw my GP who carried out an examination. She referred me to a gynaecologist as she said that my cervix was a bit red and she could see cysts.

The gynaecologist said that the cysts were normal mucus filled cysts and the cervix was not red, but I did have some erosion, both of which are normal for someone who has had children and was taking the pill for many years.

I had cervical screening within the last year and the result was normal. I only had a screening 5 years before that and I am worried that due to the fact that cervical screening should be every 3 years something has been missed.

The gynaecologist said he could not see anything troubling or worrying with my cervix and the fact that I had a clear test within the past 12 months everything should be ok. He did carry out another cervical screening and I am going out of my mind waiting for the result.

I have never had an abnormal cervical screening ever.

I am 43 years of age and have been under a considerable amount of stress over the last few months. I also did accidentally insert a tampon when I was already wearing one and did not realise for some time. My GP did carry out a test for infection, which was negative.

I have to wait until next week for the result of the cervical screening and I think I will probably worry myself to death by then.

Please help!!

Category: OBGYN

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Category: Infertility Specialist
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Do not worry. No part of your history sounds at all ominous to me.

A cervical erosion is a normal hormonal change - very natural and to be expected in a woman with childbirths in the past and history of pill use. Also, erosions can sometimes lead to slight spotting, which you experienced.
The left - in tampon might have irritated the erosion a bit more. As the infection screen is negative, there is no worry there.

Regarding the cysts, what the doctor meant was ' Nabothian cysts ' or ' Nabothian follicles '. These are small mucous filled plugged in cysts, which are also quite harmless and benign. You can google up the exact term - Nabothian cyst.

Both these findings - the erosion and the Nabothian follicles - are harmless. They in NO WAY indicate a malignancy or even pre malignant lesions. You had a negative screen a year back, which should further bolster your confidence.

Wait it out for the results, but I can assure you that it will be a normal cervical screen. Dont worry about what you dont have to worry about !

All the best.
Take care.
I would be happy to address any follow up queries.

Patient replied :

Thank you very much for your reply. The gynaecologist did say they everything looked fine to him. Would he be able to see from looking at the cervix if there was an indication of cancer? He said that he could see no evidence, but looking at certain websites, they suggest that a gynaecologist would not find anything from an examination.

Most cancers would be visible on inspection by a doctor.
Only a few cases are within the endocervical canal, but they would be totally symptomatic, and you are not.
Again, do not worry.

Patient replied :

Thank you very much. One last question, does the HPV virus stay in your body forever if you are infected?

The answer is yes, it does stay in your body permanently.

Dr. Aarti Vazirani
Category: Infertility Specialist
Residency: Obstetrics & Gynecolog, BJMC,Civil hospital, Ahmedabad, 2008
Post Graduate: MS (Obstetrics & Gynecology), B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2008
Medical School: MBBS, B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2004
Dr. Aarti Vazirani and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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