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How to stop VALIUM without WITHDRAWAL symptoms?

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Hi there! After a couple of stressful events, I used 60-100mg Valium a day for two weeks. I now no longer need it, but should I be worried about withdrawal? Does the short period of usage balance the high dosage? I have sufficient medication left to take 20mg for a week. Please help!

Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist

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Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
 29 Doctors Online

Thank you for your query at
I understand your concern.
Regarding HIV, it can only be spread through anal/vaginal intercourse, through infected needles, contaminated blooad and blood products, and peri-natally.
Exposure such as french kissing can't spread HIV.
Also chances of acquiring HIV from toothpick is not possible since there was no blood on the toothpick, and there was no open lesion in your mouth through which the virus can enter.
So please do not worry.
Regarding HSV-1 it can be spread by kissing, but around 30 % of adult population has the virus without any symptoms, mostly acquired during childhood. Only very few people manifest the disease, others are able to fight it off with good immunity.
If it is not active, then you should not worry.
Feel free to discuss further,

Patient replied :

Hi thanks for the reply.

I guess the reason I'm worried is if there was a prick that im not aware off and if I did perform French kiss on a partner after 2 hrs (assuming she would have used toothpick too 2 hrs before) is there an issue? I'm not aware of any blood taste in my mouth after using the toothpick and during the French kiss act. Even if it's a prick, it'll be the smallest prick as I did not sense any prick pain either.
Just looking at the worst case scenario here. I don't have any open lesion of any sort in my mouth.
Thanks for your prompt reply.

No please do not worry.
Even if she did have a prick it won't pass on the infection, since you do not have any open lesion.
Even in worst case scenario, this exposure has no risk of transmitting the infection.
Kindly do not worry about it and enjoy your new year!!
Wish you all the best,

Patient replied :

Thank you for the reply.

So I guess even if I and her would have used toothpick 2 hrs before and are not aware if it did prick the gums, you're saying it's fine since I did not sense any blood or taste it after meals and during the French kiss act? And the fact that I don't have any open lesion prior to using the toothpick as well.
I was also told that the mouth is not a hospitable place for HIV and any lesion must be big with active flowing blood for a transmission to occur. Do confirm.
Thanks and happy new year.

Yes i reassure you that from the toothpick and the french kissing act you had with her, both won't cause any HIV transmission.
And regarding the mouth not being a hospitable environment, you're right again.
As I said the only infection that can be transmitted is HSV-1.
So please do not worry.

Patient replied :

Hi DR,
I had a protected sex with a CW and only realized she was menstruating the next morning (evidence from blood stain on condoms and cotton towel). The condom is not broken, but it's fully covered with blood stains. My question is, say in the event during the removing of the condom after sexual act, if there is any blood stains that came in contact with the penis or the tip, is there a possible transmission? I did not cum during the act. I can't confirm if there was any stain on the penis.
My other question is, the cotton towel had blood stains on them too. Say the towel was used to wipe blood and the same towel is used to wipe my penis or the tip, is there a possible transmission?
If my chances of transmission is high, would you reccommend a PEP for me and what course of PEP should I go for? Thing is, I'm in Malaysia and I'm not sure if I can get access to any PEP medicine or available doctors to advise on it.

There is a slight possibility if the blood comes in contact with your penis on immediate removal of the condom.
These would have been much more if you did not use protection.
In such a scenario, it is better not to take risk and go for the PEP.
You can get it any tertiary care hospital. From cotton towel transmission is not possible.
I once again assure you chances are very less. But since you're not sure if there was any direct contact with blood and your penis, you should go for PEP provided it happened in the last 72 hours. PEP is not effective beyond 72 hours.

Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy
Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
MBBS from Sri Ramachandra University in December 2011
M.Med (Family Medicine) - TNMGR University, Chennai
MBA-MPH in Public Health in March 2016, SRM University
Finished AFIH in March 2016, SRM University
MRCP ( UK ), Internal Medicine, Royal College of Physicians, June 2016
Fellowship in Diabetology from Martin Luther University in January 2017

Currently Resident Physician, in MD Radiodiagnosis - Kamakshi Memorial Hospital, Chennai
Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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