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Severe embarrassing grumbling noise from low back and stomach.

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My stomach is making funny grumbling like noises that I do not understand especially when I wake up, at first I thought it was grumblings of hunger but they turned out not to be so, i don't understand what is going on, at times the grumbling like noise does not come out from my stomach so to say but from my lower back. please help me as they are very irritating and uncomfortable

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 19 Doctors Online

Hello, Thank you for asking your query at DoctorSpring.

From your symptoms of loud gurgling noise and no other symptoms point out its absolutely normal. Loud gurgling noises just reflect food is passing down the digestive tract.

As the food moves from the mouth to stomach to intestine, often air an dfluid gets mixed up and they produce some audible noises. This is very normal and infact we at times put a stethoscope on abdomen to hear if these noises otherwise called borborygmi are present. Therefore, there is nothing for you to be worried about as such.

To prevent these noises to become too embarrassing, you can maintain a routine toiletry habit everyday, have more of fibre rich food and good exercise regimen will be helpful. If you continue to have the embarrassing noises consult your physician, who will suggest you to go for a USG.

Hope this helps. Please feel free to ask follow-up questions

Dr. John Monheit
Category: Family Physician-GP
Residecny: North Colorado Family Medicine
Medical School: The Chicago Medical Center
Dr. John Monheit and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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