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Reflux Oesophagitis.

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I’m 38,years male, 60 kg and I have been healthy all my life. I do not drink, smoke.

I have been having the chest pains in left Side rarely right side for about 3 to 4 years. Doctors said acidity-gastric problem, heartburn. but same problem regularly facing as chest pain feels like heating 10 out of 4 times. Also pain occurs sometimes then burping.
I have been to 3 different doctors 2 are physician & cardiologist..

Its very confusing My pain is usually in the left side of my chest is affecting my daily routine but I am doing all works.

Briefly : I have chest pain on my left side 10 out of 6 times, Some times when I move left or right suddenly, chest pain on my left side rapidly (some times sharp needle pain for micro seconds, after some time when I take rest its normal pain.

All tests/scans are normal, ECG, 2d-echo, stress test, Blood test, urine test, lipid profile. Serum lipase, ultrasound test.

When I go for summer vacation last year in other state I have feel better with no chest pain. ( I doing job in pvt company in shift duty as well as my own print shop.)

Anxiety ? or restless work? Gastric Problem?

One important fact : I'm waking up at least twice per night, sometimes 3x, to pee., With saliva in mouth from 10 to 15 years & its disturbing my night sleep but I tried
Every time to take 8 hour sleep but 3hrs interval in each sleep.

7 year ago (I had suffering from migraine, when some work stress its happens with headache But its rarely.)

Thank you very much IN ADVANCE

Category: Cardiologist

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Category: Cardiologist
 31 Doctors Online


Thank you for your query at
I am sorry that you have been bothered by this discomfort for so long.
The pain that you describe doesn't seem to be angina pectoris. It doesn't seem to be of cardiac etiology.

The pain could be due to acidity or other gastrointestinal issues like hiatus hernia or reflux oesophagitis or gastritis. I am not an expert in gastroenterology but certain tests like endoscopy of the stomach and oespophagus and duodenum may be warranted. However there seems to be a significant psychological component to the pain.

I suggest instead of visiting physicians you could be more benefitted by visiting a gastroenterologist and also a psychiatrist. 4 years of pain and still nothing significant on investigations indicates a psychological component. Plus the difficulty in sleeping also suggests certain psychological element to the illness. As you said it could be very well be anxiety or stress or depression.

Dr Vivek Mahajan

Patient replied :

Dear Sir,
thanks for your advice.

anxiety is possible, can u advice me as Etizolam for night, If yes can I
discuss with doctor for adding a mild anxiolytic like Etizolam once a day in night time.

also I would give a family history

MY father is 74 years old with diabetes, 10 years ago bypass surgery is done & past paralysis attack 15 years ago, after that he is normal. daily routine of my father is normal.

other than all family is healthy, we are joint family.

Shouldn't smoking & drink, Blood pressure is normal, Blood sugar, before & After 82/83

If any Muscular pain then which type of pain ( chest Pain) ?
bcoz all are normal.


You could talk to your physician or psychiatrist for etizolam as you wont get it without a prescription. Muscular pain could be due to faulty posture ir recurrent muscular irritation and trauma or some costochondritis.
Your fathers history doesn't suggest that he had a young cad. So that isn't a risk factor for you
Dr Vivek Mahajan
DM Cardiology

Dr. Vivek Mahajan
Category: Cardiologist
Fellowship: DM, Cardiology, PGIMER, 2013
Residency: MD, Internal Medicine, AIIMS, 2007
Internship: King Edward Memorial (KEM) Hospital, 2003 
Medical School: MBBS, Seth G.S. Medical College, 2002
Dr. Vivek Mahajan and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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