Hello Thank you for your query at DoctorSpring.com It could be more of anticipatory anxiety expecting diltiazem to cause the side effect because you know about it. You could shift diltiazem to morning hours. Also it woukd have been better if your doctor had started diltiazem not as a high dose sustained release formulation. Instead 30 mg diltiazem 3 times a day and later increasing to sustained release 90 mg followed by increasing to 120 mg woild have avoided side effects of diltiazem if any. Better than diltiazem for anxiety and sinus tachycardia we have newer and better drugs like ivabradine which could be prescribed for you. You could ask your cardiologist to prescribe the same for you. It is devoid of many of the side effects of diltiazem. Regards Dr Vivek Mahajan DM Cardiology |