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Chances of getting STD from massage by CSW.

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Hello dotor's how are you me I'm not so good I very scared that I cought a std but I really hope not that's y I am here..this happen 10-28-14 I went to see a csw an I got a massage from her as she was touching my penis she used her spit an some kind of cream to lube my penis she was playing with my penis for a good 2-3 minutes an then she reached back an played with her vagina for a couple seconds an then rubbed my penis again (I don't know if she used her hand that she touched her vagina with) this went on for another minute or so the she put a dental dam on my penis an gave me oral there wAs no other sex involved but the like a dummy a couple days later I have sex with my fiancé so as a guy you know after you have sex an wash up you still get the last precum so what I did was I put a shirt over my penis an fell asleep the next morning I woke up an I felt a stinging at the opening of my penis (the urethra) but I don't know if the shirt got glued to my penis an irritated it but there was no marks or sores an it did not hurt when I peed the only time it hurt is when my penis would rub up against my boxer during the day while I was at work an it still bothers me some times but the night be for I saw a couple of red dots on the head of my penis an my Left arm pit had a tender node an it still hurts a little bit today an today I looked at my penis an the red dots are not as visible as the other night so I am scared out of my mind ...... An today I contacted the csw an asked her if she had anything an she got really mad at me an said (the only thing that touched your penis was my hand how are you gonna get something like that an she said if you are so worried get a test) but I saw her a few times over the years an when I seen her the last couple times she always had hand sanitizer and used it every time before she gave me a massage an plus I did not see no open cuts on her hands or face/lips an it appeared what I seen that there was no cuts or open sores on her vagina what are the chances of me catching an STD from this episode to be honest with you I'm like a worry wort I'm a hypochondriac and I overthink things a lot and expect a lot and look on the Internet a lot and I try to diagnose myself and I just get really worried and start doing crazy things so what is your opinion on this episode I woke up so scared last ight I couldn't sleep so please if you can help me that would be great

Category: Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD)Specialist

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Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
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Thank you for your query at
So just to summarise you visited a CSW, who gave you a massage and she touched your penis with her hand, and later gave you oral.
Well from the episode of ' hand touching the vagina ' getting any STD is highly unlikely.
Did you wear a condom while she gave you oral? Because if you did there is really no reason to worry.
If you were not wearing a condom, there are chances of her transmitting herpes, provided she is herpes positive and there was an open lesion.
Apart from that if the red dots are not visible anymore, then please do not stress over it. The stinging that you felt, could be because of your shirt getting glued to your penis. The red dots could have appeared as a result of sex, may be lack of lubrication or rough sex? Was that the case?
As i told you the only possibility is Herpes, and you need to watch out for symptoms such as genital sores/ rash. In case they appear let me know. However if you had a condom on while she gave you oral, there is no chance of getting STDs.

Patient replied :

Thanks for your answer so fast she masterbated me like I said with her spit an cream (I didn't see no blood either) an then gave me oral with a dental dam she DID NOT go all the way down my shaft just mid way where the dental dam almost ended ... Now for my tender node (but it's going away) what can that be from ?? An how good is a dental dam against stds an what if the dental dam was used ?? Doctor I am so scared right now I don't know what to do an how to take it ... An the little bit of stinging on the tip of my penis how long would that take to go away like I said it only hurts when it rubs up against my boxers during the day..also there is no dis charge coming from my penis but after I do go pee some times like a couple seconds after there is a tiny wet spot of pee but no color to it or smell its just pee can that be something? An one more thing the tip of my penis is kinda rough I hope that's not nothing either I just wanna be safe an she that I didn't not catch nothing because I don't want anything to happen to my fiancé

I can understand your apprehensions.
The tender lymph node you have has no relationship with your exposure. An underarm lymph node or swelling mostly indicates a localised viral or bacterial infection.
Regarding the stinging sensation, it may be a result of rough sex as i said. Since the dental dam was on, it definitely offers protection, but it is still a relatively newer method and the efficacy still has to be determined. As i mentioned before the only possibility is herpes, but with the dental dam on, the chances of contracting herpes or for that matter any STD is significantly reduced.
Regarding the tiny spot of pee, that is common. If it is not a whitish discharge or there is no smell, please do not worry.
I can understand your anxiety here, but overall getting an STD from your exposure is highly unlikely.
I will abstain you to avoid any sexual activity for the next couple of days, in case there was some friction, the penis will need some time to heal. So abstain from any kind of sexual activity or masturbation and update me in a couple of days time about the symptoms. Based on how you feel we can see if any investigation is required or any further intervention is required.

Patient replied :

Hello doctor how are you doin I'm doing better I went for a std test on Friday 11-21-14 with a infectious disease doctor for hiv,chlamydia gonorrhea and syphilis she checked my whole body for a rash an my groin for swollen nodes she also chech the head of my penis an the whole shaft an also the inside of the urethra she said that my penise looks normal there is no pus or discharge she took a sample of the inside of my urethra with a swab an put it under a microscope an she said everything looks normal there are no signs of nothing an also she sent them out with the syphilis test and I asked her if I should worry about herpes and she said no not at all because I would've had a outbreak already (is that true about the out break) so I feel better an that under arm nodes is almost gone an the tip of my penis is feeling a lot better but still feel it a little bit but like I said its way better ?but I have a question about the microscope if she didn't see nothing there is there a chance that it will change because the place where I went to get tested has its own full lab to do all the testing the only thing they can't test for is syphilis and herpes that has to be sent out ... But everything I told you that the doctor said dose it sound right to you an if not please explain It in detail because I would like to know but I did the right thing by getting tested it made me feel better almost instantly when I heard her say you are ok so doc please let me know if every thing sounds right to you thanks you so much for your help an have a good weekend

Thank you for the follow up at
First of all, you did the right thing by having yourself physically examined by a doctor and since all the samples have been sent out for tests, it is highly reassuring of the fact that the likelihood of having an STD is small considering what the infectious disease expert told you.
Additionally, the fact that your initial symptoms have reduced also makes it unlikely that you have an STD now.
Also, it would be highly advisable that should you decide to have sex again with a new partner, it would be advisable to use a condom to avoid repeating such scares in the future.
Let me know if you have any further queries,
Hope this helps

Patient replied :

Hello doctor I spoke to you once before I went an did stupid things again an I'm very scared again I do t know why I do things like this but here is my story please explain to me if there was a risk I been having sex with the same csw (sex worker) for the past couple months or so an maybe more then 7 times .,,every single time we meet an have intercourse I all ways wear a condom for every sex act ever oral an after I am done I all ways fill the comdom up with water to see if it broke because I don't know what a broken condom looks like an when I do fill it up an put pressure on it and it dose not leak so dose that mean the condom is not broken ?? an will you notic a broken condom? I'm gonna explain what happens every time... So she takes my penis An starts masterbateing it then she puts cream on my penis an a couple seconds after she spits on it for more lube also she rubbed her vagina an touches my penis also with the same hand... Dose that Pose as a risk for HIV or STDs...after that she sits on the bottom of my legs bare naked when I'm naked an rubs her butt an vagina on the shaft of my penis an balls but I DO NOT INSERT AT ALL is that also a risk for HIV or STDs then after all the for play I put a condom on for oral an vaginal sex every single time an after we are don I hold the condom an pull out an I go to the bathroom an take the condom off I know this sounds crazy but I put the condom in water filled it up and squeeze the condom to make sure it does not leak and when I do that I don't see no leaks dose this pose as risk to HIV or after all that a couple days later my wife gets a real bad cold for about 2 weeks or more an she had gotten two white spots on her tonsils in a week after that I got the same spots on my tonsils it was one spot on each tonsil and I am scared that I gave her something but she went to the doctors and they said that she has a cold so they gave her antibiotics and now she feels fine but there is still one dot on her tonsils and I also have the same one dot on my tonsils One went away but like I said there is still one more white spots on my tonsils A couple days ago I took a fourth generation HIV anybody antigen test and it came back negative I also had my penis swab and the doctor put the swab under the microscope and said there is a little bit of activity but it does not concern her that much also she still sent it out to get tested for chlamydia gonorrhea and syphilis what are the chances of me catching HIV or STDs from these activities please explain ... And also a couple days ago I started feeling pain under my armpit an it makes my under arm hurt also and I started poking around and I think I've hurt it more cause it feel like it's in the left side muscle of my chest too I am not sure I also been checking the tip of my penis for any discharge and I been trying to stick my finger tip in the whole of my penis to see If there was any discharge and the tip of my penis started to hurt I also fell around my genitals to make sure they weren't sore but I check and squeeze them a lot so now they feel a little irritated also my legs feel achy Sometimes I really hope that does not mean anything I also do not have no rashes on my penis or bumps or it does not burn when I pee..... Now what the doctor found under the microscope can that just be anything or is it definitely a std please help me doctor I'm so scared this whole scenario races through my head every single day I can't stop thinking my anxiety when through the roof in every little ache and pain I think I have HIV or a STD I hope to hear from you soon thank you so much and also can you please explain everything to me because I really want to know if I had a risk of contracting anthing or did I protect my self thank you again

This is an extremely old consult and we keep our consults open only for a month.
Kindly initiate a new consult if you want to continue with the same specialist.

Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy
Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
MBBS from Sri Ramachandra University in December 2011
M.Med (Family Medicine) - TNMGR University, Chennai
MBA-MPH in Public Health in March 2016, SRM University
Finished AFIH in March 2016, SRM University
MRCP ( UK ), Internal Medicine, Royal College of Physicians, June 2016
Fellowship in Diabetology from Martin Luther University in January 2017

Currently Resident Physician, in MD Radiodiagnosis - Kamakshi Memorial Hospital, Chennai
Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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