Thanks for posting your query.
I can understand your concern.
I checked the picture, from what I can appreciate is that the mole has come back in the area from which the biopsy was taken. It may not have healed completely because a deep punch biopsy might have been taken.
I would recommend that you visit your doctor once again and ask him to have a look.
Also it looks slightly inflamed and hence application of neosporin cream will be helpful in healing.
Intake of vitamin c supplements orally will further help in healing.
In case you have diabetes, that may further delay healing.
Once the healing is complete, the mole may need to be treated again.
Please let me know if you have any queries.
I will be glad to answer all your doubts that you may want to discuss.
Take care
Patient replied :
Hello, I think it is not that former mole, which was a littlerisen and very light and small about 2mm. This new area is flat and red, not raised at all.I was not sure if that former mole was a mole or a fibroma, I have many of these kind of fibromas. The punch biopsy was taken very deep, about 8mm, the doc said. Thanks you for you answer.
Thanks for the information. In the picture it looked like a mole. However as you said its red and inflamed, it's just the biopsy site which is healing. Still I would recommend that you let your doctor have a look once.
Take care