Thank you for your query at DoctorSpring.com
With the background of multiple bone problems and elevated proteins, I would suggest to rule out a plasma cell disorder, most commonly multiple myeloma.
Please ask your physician if he can order an electrophoresis study and bone marrow evaluation.
Kindly revert back after doing all investigations. Also can you send me all the scanned reports?
It will help me in getting a better picture.
Patient replied :
Thank you for your reply. I will upload my reports later when I can get to work for a scanner. It appears that my Total Protien along with the IgG and Lambda are only slighly elevated. The IgA is elevated but just barely and the IgM is on the low end of normal. Platelets have increased slowly over three years old patientfrom 288 to 442. Am I over-reacting by wanting to see a hematologist or do these readings warrant an appointment? Based on the limited information I gave you is Amyloidosis a possibility? Can plasma cell abnormalities cause nausea, G.I. issues and Autonomic Neuropathy? I should also mention that I have had cubital tunnel surgery (ineffective) and that I have tingling in both forearms and hands. Thanks
I could guess few probable diagnosis but need a complete review all reports , present and past , before I comment further.
Also, I need complete clinical information. I need your entire clinical detailed history. How long were you having carpal tunnel syndrome ?? Did they stain any specimen ?
Please send all reports for reviewing to help you better .
Patient replied :
I understand that making a diagnosis via chat is problematic.. A neurologist ordered the tests listed above but based on the results I would like your opinion on if I should see more of a specialist like a hematologist or an oncologist? Also, can plasma cell abnormalities cause G.I. issues and autonomic neuropathy?. I will see whomever you suggest and this is my last question. Thank you and I await your reply.
A hematologist is a better person to consult in your case. You need some more investigation for finalizing your diagnosis