Thanks for posting your query at DoctorSpring.com
I can understand your problem.
You are suffering from reflux symptoms since 2.5 years. Now you have pain on swallowing for solid food. These symptoms also may be related to reflux (reflux related ulcer or inflammation may cause similar symptoms. Still to confirm the diagnosis you need examination by ENT surgeon or gastroenterologist . They can plan for endoscopy(camera test) for you hypopharynx(part of throat) and food pipe(oesophagus). This will help in getting correct diagnosis and so you will able to get correct treatment also.
To control you reflux symptoms you need life style changes along with PPIs-
Avoid very spicy food.
Avoid fast food/coffee or tea
Drink plenty of water.
Morning and evening walk
Don’t lie down immediately after lunch or dinner
Use head end elevation of pillow( prevent reflux symptoms)
Continue PPIs.
Hope this helps
Best regards
Dr. Sunil Jalan