Reason for high BILRUBIN, CHOLESTEROL, HDL levels?

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Resolved question:
hello i am 16 years old my blood tests have been showing high CHOL level noting that i have been avoiding corn oil and i only eat food cooked with olive oil my HDL is also high in my recent blood test i am also worried about the high (total BILI special) .
information you may need :
am anemic (but i take iron pills regularly 50g)
i have low vitamin D level (i take 1 vitamin D pill 50000mu per week)
my RBC level is 4.11x10^12/L
Hgb 133 g/L
Plt 170x10^9/L
am i healthy and what can i do about my high CHOL

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query at
I understand your concern.
Unfortunately, I can't see the images clearly. I can understand your hemoglobin and platelet count are low.
Can you please type out the values if you do not mind?? What are your cholesterol values?
Once you reply, I will get back to you.

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Patient replied :

my CHOL level is 5.62 mmol/L my HDL level is 1.76 mmol/L GLU = 4.93 mmol/L FE= 25.5umol/L CREA=50 umol/L ALB=48.41g/L ALT=8.6U/L ( i dont smoke i dont drink alcohol i dont eat a lot of meat as i dont like it and i dont eat fish but i do take omega3 pills)

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.

Kindly provide the reference range for the cholesterol values as normal values differ across laboratories.
What is your height and weight?
Dr. Jay

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Patient replied :

Am 165cm tall and i weight 62kg
3.00-5.20 is the range

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 2 Days.

It is mildly elevated.
You can just do lifestyle modification at this point, so you need to exercise daily. Avoid fatty food, or very oily food. Your height and weight are fine, however, some people are predisposed to high cholesterol levels. Hence, you need to have food items like oats, brown rice, brown bread, more of protein, and avoid dairy products, sweets, ghee, white rice, red meat, chocolates, cheese, butter, e.t.c
Hope this was helpful,

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Patient replied :

thank you very much but what about my RBC and platelets level is it ok

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 1 Day.

RBC is slightly low, but that can happen and is nothing major.
Platelet count is fine. If you eat healthy food with more of vegetables and fruits, your parameters will improve.

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