Hello. Thank you for posting your query at DoctorSpring.com
I am glad to assist you. I understand your concern.
Let me summarize the main points from your history. So you developed muscle weakness and you got yourself checked immediately for malaria, but it was negative.
You had sexual relations with a girl, but that doesn't seem significant with the symptoms you described.
You kept feeling muscle weakness for a long time, took Coartem, finished the course.
The good thing is you're better.
Firstly malaria is ruled out. If you had multiple blood tests and all came out negative, then it can be ruled out. There are lots of other tropical diseases which are common in africa like Chaga's disease, Dengue, Leishmaniasis, Leptospirosis ( e.t.c ) which will present with fever and muscle aches, and some other added symptoms that can overlap.
It can even be just a bad viral infection that you picked up. Moreover what i understood from your history is that due to work, you have to travel a lot and your body is constantly under that stress, which leads to problems like chronic muscle fatigue, where it becomes very difficult to even move around. It is associated with that debilitating feeling of being extremely sick. That can even be a possibility. I need to know what tests they ran on you, and if they gave you back any reports.
I will also advise you to take Tab. Doxycycline 100 mg twice daily for 7 days after food, since it is effective against most tropical diseases. Even though you're in recovery state, you can take the drug, any latent infection will be cured.
I really feel you need to take a few days off. This traveling has also taken a toll on your body.
Please upload your reports when they are ready. Also do not worry you're in recovery state now and you should be fine in the next couple of days.
Hope that was helpful,