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Preventing Genital herpes infection using Urinary Tract Infection treating antibiotics

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Hello doctor, I am a 21 years old female. My boyfriend told that he has got infected with genital herpes virus. I haven’t started sexual relationship with him yet, but planning to do so soon. What I want to know is about the preventive medication available for herpes. Can I use antibiotics used to treat urinary tract infections as a preventive medication for genital herpes infection? Thanks for your advice.

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Category: Internal Medicine Specialist
 24 Doctors Online

Thanks for your question and concern. For your information, let me make it clear that most of the urinary tract infections are caused by bacteria and not virus. Medications used to treat bacterial infection are not suitable to treat virus infections like genital herpes. Antiviral medications are used to treat viral infections. Anyway, there is no support for prevention of viral infections like HSV, possible using antiviral medication. They can simply offer relief from symptoms of acute viral infections. Moreover, HSV infection will stay lifelong in human body after getting infected for once. So, the only way to prevent infection is to abstain from sex with partners having genital herpes infection or by using barrier methods for sex, like condoms. But they are not found to be 100% safe. Hope I answered your query well. Take care.

Dr. Steve Merris
Category: Internal Medicine Specialist
Medical School - New York University
Internship in Internal Medicine - Beth Israel Medical Center
Residency in Internal Medicine - Beth Israel Medical Center
Fellowship in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine - Columbia University Medical Center
Dr. Steve Merris and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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