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Alcoholic Hepatitis.

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I have a sore kidney at the moment. Mainly when I take deep breathes. I just got back from camping and spent like 8 days straight drinking alcohol. Do you think this might be why?

Category: General Surgeon

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Category: Pediatric Surgeon
 24 Doctors Online


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The pain in the kidney area is likely to be related to the alcohol intake. An acute pancreatitis, alcoholic gastritis and alcoholic hepatitis can present in such a fashion. The probability for these conditions are rare, but being high risk conditions these has to be ruled out if the pain is persisting even now.

DO NOT consume any more alcohol. DO NOT take any OTC pain medications. A baseline blood investigations and an ultrasound abdomen is indicated if the symptoms are still persisting. Baseline blood tests to include - complete blood count, liver and renal function test, S.amylase and lipase. A urine routine can also be done.

I will keep this consult open so that you can get back to me with the results. In case if you are relieved of the symptoms you can wait for 48 hours before proceeding with these tests. Do let me know how you feel now and keep me posted.

Hope this helps
Feel free to ask followups
Thank you

Dr. Hari Charan Perigela
Category: Pediatric Surgeon
Fellowship: DNB, General Surgery, National Board of Examinations, New Delhi, 2001
Residency: MS, General Surgery, Sri Venkateswara Medical College,Tirupathi, 2000
Medical School: MBBS, Kurnool Medical college, 1995
Dr. Hari Charan Perigela and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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