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PCOS, with missed periods, swollen feet and craving for food. Can I be pregnant?

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Ok here the thing I been showing all sorts of signs of pregnancy but ever test I take shows up negative blood and all my old physican told me that because of the pcos that it will affect my test results no matter what. when it comes to the signs I have gained weight, gone to the bathroom a lot more, spotting not periods at all..because when it comes to my periods im a heavy bleeder and now all the sudden I don't have that much when im spotting and I feel something kicking. I was told the best thing to do was get a physican where I am now and have him order an ultrasound but I been trying to do that and it had to do and if I am pregnant im between 4-5 months in my last full blown period was on Jan 5 to 10 but in Feburary I started missing periods and my periods have never been like that or been irregular and got spotting instead so I really am just esminating if I am pregnant how far I am.. I got the showllen feet, food cravings.the whole works I want to know what I should do...

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 31 Doctors Online


There are chances that you could be pregnant.

If your doubts are so high, you should try the urine pregnancy test. They come positive after 10 days of fertilization. If they are positive then it definitely indicates you are pregnant. But, you should know as you are having PCOS, irregular periods are very common. And obesity or gaining weight is one of the symptoms of PCOS. If you have taken treatment for PCOS, that is oral contraceptives for a year or two then I think you should be ready to become fertile. Infertility is a common side effect of PCOS.

If your urine pregnancy test is positive then I suggest you visit gynecologists who will advice you on USG. You need to attend the ANC centers for advices on steps need to be taken to make sure you have a safe pregnancy. You will know which trimester you are in after taking the USG, ideally they calculate by knowing the last missed periods but as your periods are irregular it is difficult to tell when you had the last missed period.

Thank you.

Dr. John Monheit
Category: Family Physician-GP
Residecny: North Colorado Family Medicine
Medical School: The Chicago Medical Center
Dr. John Monheit and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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