Painless bright red blood in stool

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I experienced bloody stools - twice in 3 days (the only 2 times I went). The first time was completely unexpected, I had no idea until I noticed it on the tissue.
Both times I didn't feel it, but the blood was bright red and it was painless.

The first time I didn't notice the color, the 2nd time I noticed the color of my stool was very dark almost black. This may just be because of the food I ate last night? I had slight pain in my stomach until it came out.

In general, I've never experienced bloody stools before. And I haven't done anything particularly differently lately. I eat all types of food, and I guess I've been consuming alcohol 3-4 nights a week - although that's normal for me lately.

Is there anything I should do to solve this? I have plans on being out tonight - should I avoid alcohol? Should I eat or drink less meat, etc? Any medications I should take?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Gastroenterologist, Medical

Expert:  Dr. replied 4 Days.


Thank you for your query at DoctorSpring. I am Dr.Ratnakar and I am pleased to assist you.

Blood in stools can be due to umpteen number of causes. Some of the common causes include - hemorrhoids, fissure in ano, polyps, inflammatory bowel disease like ulcerative colitis, infective colitis and malignancy.

You have mentioned it was bright red. This means, the bleeding was from a source lower down. You have also mentioned that there was slight abdominal pain until it came out. This may be probably be due to colitis.

Alcohol intake does not cause these symptoms. So you can drink alcohol tonight. Similarly eating meat does not cause this. So you can at meat also tonight.

But to find the cause of blood in stool, you need to have a digital rectal examination and a sigmoidoscopy test. In sigmoidoscopy, a long slender tube with a light and camera is introduced through your anal opening to look in to your colon. By doing this we can find out which of the above mentioned causes is causing your symptoms.

The treatment depends on the cause.

I hope that answers your question. Please let me know if I can assist you further.


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Patient replied :

I haven't gone to a doctor as it's sunday. I will try tomorrow... but it happened again today... It's not diarrhea, but there is abdominal pain when I go... and I don't feel the blood, but it comes out with my stool...

I feel a general stiffness in my stomach now since yesterday - so colitis is possible as it seems like my intestines maybe swollen.

What could be the cause of this? What can I do to prevent it?

I have been drinking "Honey Ginger" Tea quite often lately ( )
-Should I avoid drinking that? Or would it in fact help? Is there anything I can eat or drink to avoid stress on my intestines for the next few days?

Would pro-biotics help? I use one called PB8

I also just read something of a natural cure would be:
Usana anti-oxidants, multi-vitamins and Proflavanol (grape seed extract) and Acidophilus as well as a drink containing fibre, berries (anti-oxidants) and Flax seed oil (Omega 3).
-Should I consider that?

Expert:  Dr. replied 3 Days.


You should NOT think of taking any of these natural remedies cure now. This can further upset the stomach and cause trouble. Avoid these for now. You may take a probiotic once the symptoms are all well settled in.

The abdominal pain point towards a colonic cause. But it need not be colitis. Still the major common causes like haemorrhoids or polyps need to be considered first as the bleeding is bright red and painless.

That's why I said treatment depends on the cause. A digital rectal examination and sigmoidoscopy will give the clue. Taking the natural cures will only delay the diagnosis.

Hope this helps. My apologies for the delay in getting back to you. Please do feel free to ask as many followup questions as needed.

Thank you

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