Thank you for asking your query.
It seems you are having an acute sinusitis involving your frontal sinus. Sinusitis can result in almost all the symptoms you have described in your query. Infection in the sinus can cause pressure build up and consequently pain and discomfort.
The frontal sinus opens to the nose through a connection. In case of sinusitis this connection may be blocked due to congestion. The first step in treatment of sinusitis is to open up. You can do the following measures.
1. Apply warmth over the forehead , above the eyebrows
2. Steam inhalation through nose twice daily
3. Nasal decongesensts like Octrivin nasal drops 2-3 drops twice daily in each nostril for a week.
You can follow this recommendation for 4-6 days. If the pain still persists you may need antibiotics and you may need to consult and ENT Surgeon.
Hope this helps
Thank you