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Massive hair shedding and multivitamin deficiency

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Hi Doc

I am 28 yrs old . I started massive hair shedding in April this year.I consulted few doc but could not able to diagnose the problem.
Then in last week of june I consulted another Doc and through test I found that I have very low level of Iron (Ferritin) - 26 and B12 level is less than 150 and vit D is 10.. She Prescribed me few vitamins .

After two months , my Ferritin is 60 and B12 is 350 . Vit D not tested yet.

My hair re-growth has alslo started from where it was gone .My concern is my hairs are still falling ,less than before .

She tested my hormones(Thyroid and other hormonal test like DHT ,DHEAS, Testesterone,Progesterone ...etc) . Alll results are normal.

I dont have genetic hair loss problem . she has prescribed me (Fincar 5mg) tab.

Please suggest is it safe to take this medicine as I dont have genetic hair loss problem.

Also tell me my hairs are still falling but less than before(Around 80) . Is it normal or stopping hair loss will take time.

Category: Dermatologist

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 28 Doctors Online


Thanks for your query at DoctorSpring.

It takes time for hair fall to stop completely. It takes at least three months for hair fall to start reducing and then a few more months for it to stop.

You can continue with the vitamins for a couple of months.

Fincar contains finasteride which is given for male pattern hair loss. At times females are given finasteride, however, you don't seem to be needing it, you don't need to take them.

They are safe but you can take them later on, only if required. But usually we prescribe it only if the female has completed her family.
Its contraindicated in a young female of child bearing potential.

Hope I have answered all your queries.

Take care.

Patient replied :

Thanks Doc for your response.

I am continuing my vitamin supplements.

What should be the ideal level of these vit (Iron , B12).

How long I should continue this.


Thanks for your reply.

You need to continue all the supplements for three months.

The levels should fall within the range specified by the laboratory.

Take care

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