Thank you for your query at
I can understand your fear and concern. Presently your age is 23 and you had the breast swelling since 13 yrs, which is the pubertal time.
This is due to hormonal changes in the body and usually does not require oncological intervention .
I would like to reassure you that this condition called GYNECOMASTIA is a common phenomenon during most of the time.
You need to do regular exercise and lead a healthy life. I would strongly advise you to stop worrying about this.
If the breast appears large and very abnormal, you can meet a surgeon for cosmetology opinion and take his advise
Patient replied :
Thank you for your quick response, but it doesn't quite answer answer my question. I know about gynecomastia and have been told about for years, but I do not think that is what i have. I believe the lumps under both of my nipples have gotten bigger and attached themselves to the muscles underneath. Visually, my nipples don't look too different aside from being reddish pink instead of the normal color. Also, most morning my stomach hurts and have occasional abdominal pain during random parts of the day. I also feel a swollen lymph node on the right side of my throat below the jaw. I also feel something in both arm pits. I just don't feel right and have been living with this anxiety for 10 years. I need answers and that is why my original question was where do I need to go to get a definite answer? Can i get some kind of ultrasound or something? I don't know what to do and everyone keeps telling me I'm crazy and that it's probably just gynecomastia. Please help me with this.
Yes an ultrasound will definitely help and I recommend you get an ultrasound done and follow up with me.
I will guide you based on that. Biopsy is a more definitive diagnosis and not required at this stage.