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Is it safe to take MIFEGEST ABORTION KIT? Precautions.

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I am pregnant and cant keep the baby due to lot of personal issues regarding growth and my in laws will not allow me to go to doc or do this :(
please help

This is the medicine I am able to find out and ordering, please advice me in this. Is it okay to take this??

How to take this? and what all precaution needs to be taken care in this.

Many thanks in advance.

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Category: Infertility Specialist
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In fact you should consult a gynecologist as soon as possible.
Medical abortion is possible in early pregnancy, and I will explain the procedure to you, but it should be done under a doctor's guidance and supervision.
Firstly, the pregnancy should be confirmed by a doctor , preferably with an ultrasound scan.
This has two purposes.
IT dates the pregnancy accurately, because these abortion pills work only within a narrow frame of time.
Secondly, it confirms that the pregnancy is inside the uterus, rarely, there is a condition called ectopic pregnancy ( pregnancy outside the uterus ) which is very dangerous.
AFter confirming the pregnancy, tablets are taken by prescription.
GEnerally 1 tablet of Mifepristone is taken orally, 48 hours later 4 more tablets of Misoprostol are taken orally or inserted vaginally.
Bleeding with cramps starts in a few hours, and lasts heavily for a few days.
Spotting might continue for 15 days or more.
It is compulsory to have a follow up scan after 15 days to establish that the uterus is empty and the abortion is now complete.
Pills are more than 96 % effective in early pregnancy, however rarely there maybe complications such as - heavy bleeding, infection, failure of pills leading to surgical abortion , fainting etc.
Hence it is a must to keep a doctor in the loop throughout.
Do not attempt to do this without consulting a gynecologist, as it can be life threatening.
Take care.
Please feel free to discuss further.

Patient replied :


Thanks for the response and concern :)
I have few more things to ask:
1. How to take this 4 tablets after 48 hours, i mean all of them togther in one go or with a difference of some time? If yes then how much?
2. I have also consulted with one of my friend who has followed this in past, as per her she was suggested to take some more medincine with this twice a day for one week but she dont remeber the name.
3. Also she said some vitamin tablet also can be taken, is it okay to take them and which one?
4. Is there any thing which I should eat more or avoid?
5. I am having little stomach ache also, is it because of this only?

After 1st tablet of Mifepristone, 4 tablets can be taken anytime within 24 - 48 hours.
Generally if all 4 are taken together, some women may vomit, so take 2 tablets after 24 hours, and 2 more after another 24 hours.
If you are in pain, painkiller can be taken.
No other medication is suggested with it.
AFter completion of abortion, iron and vitamin supplements can be taken for 3 months to regain your strength.
The pain maybe due to medications if you have taken any of them.

Patient replied :

After 1st tablet of Mifepristone, 4 tablets can be taken anytime within 24 - 48 hours.
Generally if all 4 are taken together, some women may vomit, so take 2 tablets after 24 hours, and 2 more after another 24 hours.
If you are in pain, painkiller can be taken.
No other medication is suggested with it.
After completion of abortion, iron and vitamin supplements can be taken for 3 months to regain your strength.
The pain may be due to medications if you have taken any of them.

Dr. Aarti Vazirani
Category: Infertility Specialist
Residency: Obstetrics & Gynecolog, BJMC,Civil hospital, Ahmedabad, 2008
Post Graduate: MS (Obstetrics & Gynecology), B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2008
Medical School: MBBS, B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2004
Dr. Aarti Vazirani and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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