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Jaundice for evaluation.

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My son (24 yrs., 75 Kgs,) has been suffering from jaundice for the last ten days. Initially, he was diagnosed for acidity and was given
1.LCZ Mont - once daily 2. Nexpro 40 - BBF daily, and 3. Domeperidone - once daily for 5 days

On 17/02/2014 when an LFT was done, the report was as follows

Serum Bilirubin - 13.1

Conjugated (D. Bilirubin) - 8.7

Unconjugated (I D Bilirubin) - 4.4

SGOP/AST - 219

SGPT/ALT - 450

Alkaline phosphate - 338

Total Protein - 7.1

Albumin - 4.3

Globulin - 2.8

A/G Ratio - 1.5 : 1

GGTP - 380

He was prescribed

Ursocol (300) - twice daily

Nexpro 40 - BBF

on 24/02/2014, his Biochemistry and Immunology-Serology Report revealed the folowing

Serum Bilirubin - 14.4

Conjugated (D Bilirubin) - 10.1

Inconjugated (i D Bilirubin) - 4.3

SGPT/ALT - 140

Hepatitis B Profile

HBs Ag - Negative

Heptitis Profile
Hepatitis 'A' Virus IgM - Negative

Since then, the medicines as noted above has been discontinued and now he is being administered

1 Sorbilin - Before meals thrice daily

2. Prednisolone (5mg) - 1x4 -2 days, 1x3 - 2 days, 1x2 - 2 days and 1x1 -2 days

3, Tetracycline 500 mg - twice daily for 5 days

But the symptoms still persist. He is being given normal meals without oils and spices apart from sugarcane juice and fruits and juices. He does not have any feeling of weakness or exhaution.

Please let me know whether we should continue with the medication as noted above? What are the dangers indicated by his pathological conditions? If not, what needs to be done further

Category: Hepatologist

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Category: Hepatologist
 20 Doctors Online

Thanks for posting your query at DoctorSpring. I am Dr.R.K and I am pleased to assist you.

Your son's liver function test is quite abnormal. He is negative for hepatitis B and A. He needs further testing to find the cause. The next few tests to be done are ultrasound scan of abdomen, PT/INR, tests for hepatitis C and E, serum ceruloplasmin,ferritin, ANA,AMA. Further management depends on the test report. Please stop prednisolone and tetracycline.

Please consult a gastroenterologist in your area for these tests and further management.

I hope that answers your question. Please let me know if I can assist you further.
Regards. ,

Dr. Ratnakar Kini
Category: Hepatologist
Fellowship - DM - TN Dr.MGR Medical UniversityResidency - TN Dr.MGR Medical University Medical School - Stanely Medical College, TN Dr.MGR Medical University
Dr. Ratnakar Kini and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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