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Hypogonadism with low testosterone.

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1 am 34 years old. I am a strength coach Certified in Applied Functional Science and a Certified Nutritionist through Precision Nutrition. At 30 my testosterone dropped to 133. I am on 25mg of clomid/day. My levels have risen to 330 and aren't going any higher. The good Lord blessed us with our first child in September. I have been told two separate things from two different drs. Would getting on hormone therapy (testosterone, HCG, and Arimidex) ruin my ability to have another child?

Category: Endocrinologist

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Category: Diabetologist
 24 Doctors Online

Hello, thankyou for approaching with your query.
Yes, by being on replacement therapy with Testosterone, although your testosterone levels would be maintained but pituitary hormones LH, and FSH will get suppressed causing suppression of sperm production, thus affecting your ability to produce a child.
The reason for low testosterone in your case is not clear. If it is due to pituitary hormone deficiency, then hCG (LH) and FSH may help.
If the cause is at the level of Testes (your LH , FSH levels will be high then), then hCG will not help.
Please can you upload your test results so that I can give you an informed opinion.
Reply as a follow up.

Dr. J Muthukrishnan
Category: Diabetologist
1. 10th Asia-Pacific Pediatric Endocrine Society  Fellows meeting, Seoul, Korea, Oct 2008
2. Eighth ICMR Course on Genetics and Genetic Counseling – Jul 2008 – SGPGI, Lucknow
3. Annual Certificate Course on Endocrinological Laboratory Techniques at National Institute of Nutrition (ICMR) Hyderabad,India, ( Aug-Sep 2006) 
Fellowship: Endocrinology, Diplomate of National Board, National Academy of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, 2008, Medwin Hospital, Hyderabad
Senior Residency: Diplomate of National Board (General Medicine), National Academy of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, 2002
Residency: MD, General Medicine, 1997-2000, Armed Forces Medical College, 2nd position in University
Medical School: MBBS, Armed Forces Medical College, 1992
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