From your diagnosis, you have not developed ovarian cancer, but its PCOs.
Firstly, PCOs is polycystic ovarian disorder. It just means that due to hormonal changes, sometimes in some the ovary develops cysts or pocket. The pelvic pain you are talking about is because of enlarged size of ovary due to cysts. In an ovarian cancer, you will never have pain until the end stages. Usually for PCOS, oral contraceptive pills are given. It takes about a year to get cured, in few it might take longer too.
The variation in your mood is due to fluctuation in hormones, just like how it happens in pre menopausal syndrome. But its more exaggerated. You need to consult a gynecologist, for your increased size of cysts which is not getting treated with oral contraceptive pills.
You will have to go for USG, to see the size of the cysts and depending on that surgeries are recommended. But, you should know that it is recurrent even after surgery.
Thank you.