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Hello There: -
This is Gemechis Gobena from Florida, USA. I came across your website while surfing internet to ask Doctors about health issue of my father who is 65 years old.he lives in Ehiopia, Arica. It looks like from CT scan and Endoscopy report that he was diagnosed with HCC (Hepato Cellular Carcinoma). More additional tests are also done per doctor I consulted before on this website like: Upper GI, AFP, CA 19.9, CBC, LFT, etc.This was believed to be metastasized. He showed symptoms of loss of appetite and weight loss.
I attached all the report to his diagnosis. I hope you will help me understand more about this report and If there is anything I can do to help him. The following are my questions: -
1) Is it to late to get the necessary treatment (to be cured)?
2) How worse is it to deal with?
3) What treatment options can he get? medication here in USA that I can buy and send'em?
4) can you elaborate Interpretations of each test?
I really appreciate any help or advise you will give me and I hope to hear from you soon.
5)I am his last hope to send him some kind of medication from here,USA and I really appreciate if you help me get some form of prescription drug soon please?
Thank You,

Category: Oncologist

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Category: Hematologist
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Thank you for your query at
As per the radiology report, the working diagnosis is LIVER CANCER. However, it needs further confirmation by a tissue biopsy and histological confirmation by the pathologist. A corroborative yet unconfirmed evidence is the increase in AFP levels.
My suggestion - to proceed with biopsy and prove the lesion.
If proven to be a liver cancer, he may need a hepatitis viral profile and started on a cancer medication named as SORAFENIB.
I am not sure if it can be purchased in USA without a doctors prescription. It cannot be purchased over the counter in USA.

Please revert back to me with biopsy report and hepatitis viral panel.

Patient replied :

Hi There: -
Thanks for your response, Doctors in Ethiopia, confirmed it is for sure Liver Cancer, I will send you, ther other 2 report for biopsy and Hepaitis viral panel.
But I really would like to know can you help me get SORAFENIB medication from India please? cost and what do I Need to do?
Thank you,

Thank you for your follow up.
Kindly confirm first with your doctors. If the drug Sorafenib is available over the counter.
There are major legal hassles and it won't be possible to send the drugs all the way there. I wish i could help but i won't be able too.


Patient replied :

Hi There: -
attached is some report I got back from Ethiopia. It seems his HBSAG is negative.
1) what do AFP, CA 19.9, CBC, CEA results indicate? are they at the lever of being Cancer markers?
2) As your know Ethiopia is a develping country, they don't have Sorafenib durg, either OTC or Rx
3) I wished you would help me with that? or do you to think if I personally go to Oncologist office here in America with all the test results would give me ther rx for Sorafenib?
4) If i tried to consult oncologist in person here in USA on behalf of my dad, do you think that is legally possible? if so can you suggest the cost? or do you think it is worth to give it a shot?
Thank you

CBC is complete blood count, mostly in blood cancers we evaluate the values. Not specific for liver cancer.
AFP, CA, CEA are all tumor markers, they are elevated by several manifolds in liver cancer.
I am sorry, i won't be able to help you getting the drug because of legal hassles.
Yes if you personally go to the office of an oncologist and explain your case, he will give you a prescription. Sometimes the patient can be very sick, and won't be able to visit the doctor. Consult an oncologist in US, and if you explain your case personally he will definitely help you.

Patient replied :

One more last thing, "how much do you think is the cost of Oncologist visitation and sorafenib medication in USA roughly?"
Thank You.

I am not sure about the exact numbers being in India.
But roughly Sorafenib including the oncology visit will be around 6000 $ a month for the drug.
Wish you all the best!

Dr. Prasad Eswaran
Category: Hematologist
Doctorate in Medicine (Fellowship in Oncology), DM,  Madras Medical College & Govt. General Hospital, Chennai, India.

Doctor of Medicine (Residency in Radiation Oncology) , MD, Christian Medical College, Vellore, Tamilnadu, India, 2004-06.

Diploma in Medical Radiology & Therapy (Residency in Radiation Oncology), D.M.R.T, Madras Medical College & Govt. General Hospital, Chennai, India, 2004-06.

Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery - M.B.B.S, Govt. Stanley Medical College & Hospital, Chennai, India, 1998-2004.
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