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Hepatitis B positive disease in active stage.

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I am suffering with constant vomiting and fall in ill often. This is due to HBV increase in blood and the doctor says that the HBV is present in DNA. I am planning to get marry in next 3 months. Can this be cured?????? Please help

Category: Oncologist

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Thank you for choosing Doctor Spring for your queries. I can understand your frustration. I need some more information in order to help you. Here are a few questions:
1. How old are you?
2. Is this an acute episode or have you had long term illness? In other words, when were you diagnosed with Hepatitis B?
3. Are you currently getting treated for Hepatitis B infection? If so, what medicines are you taking?
4. Have you been diagnosed with any other illness for which you are taking medication for?

With this information, I can give you some suggestions on how to proceed further. Thanks again and I await your reply. Take care.

Patient replied :

1. How old are you? 27 yrs old
2. Is this an acute episode or have you had long term illness? In other words, when were you diagnosed with Hepatitis B? I am suffering with this since 2011. But I diagnosed this a month ago.
3. Are you currently getting treated for Hepatitis B infection? If so, what medicines are you taking? yes and the medicines are, Sevieo 600MG,, Tenofogir hepoose 300MG, pentacid HD.
4. Have you been diagnosed with any other illness for which you are taking medication for? As of now immediate vomit after consuming anything and severe stomach ache with tiredness


The vomiting is due to your liver infection and is being made worse by the drugs you are taking. Although the drugs are reducing your viral load, they may be taxing on your liver causing more vomiting. Most Hepatitis B infections are generally asymptomatic, but reports have been noted on the side effects of the antiviral medication. Here's what I suggest:

1. Make an appointment with your gastroenterologist (preferably the one who has prescribed you your Hep B meds) and work closely with him in figuring out the cause of your vomiting. Once identifying the cause of the vomiting, you will be able to control the symptoms.

2. You are taking the right medications for your illness and you should not stop them. You have a better chance of being rid of illness if you stay on your medications as your doctor has prescribed.

3. You will need to be patient in treating Hepatitis B and be diligent with your medications. It can be cured, but it may take up to a several months and 100 % success is not guaranteed.

4. Continue with periodic titers of HBV levels and liver function tests to track progression of illness and recovery.

5. Before your marriage, consider discussing the issue with your future partner. The virus could get transmitted and you can prevent this by getting your partner vaccinated months ahead of time.

I hope this helps. If you develop dizziness, confusion, or other signs of dehydration then seek medical attention immediately as you may need to replace fluids through iv. Take care and be well.

Patient replied :

Its so impressive that you get time and have patience to write such a detailed reply. Per your advise, the virus could get transmitted. Is the virus transmitted to my partner or to our baby. Because the doctor in line has told me that it would not get transmitted to the partner as this is not HIV. Hence requesting your clarity in this. What could be the maximum period to get this cured and I understood that it cannot be cured 100%. My concern here is, will I get cancer or if you can be more straight on my life duration, I would save a life of a girl.

Yes it is possible to transmit the infection sexually to your partner. It can also more commonly get transmitted to a baby from the mother if she is infected.

Most people recover from illness from an acute hepatitis infection after adequate treatment. Only 10 % get chronic infection which decades later can cause liver cancer. If you stick with the treatment however, there is less of a chance of this happening.

It may take anywhere from 3-6 months to recover. After treatment if successful, you will no longer be infectious or have the infection. Hope this helps. Take care.

Patient replied :

Its so impressive that you get time and have patience to write such a detailed reply. Per your advise, the virus could get transmitted. Is the virus transmitted to my partner or to our baby. Because the doctor in line has told me that it would not get transmitted to the partner as this is not HIV. Hence requesting your clarity in this. What could be the maximum period to get this cured and I understood that it cannot be cured 100%. My concern here is, will I get cancer or if you can be more straight on my life duration, I would save a life of a girl.

Yes it is possible to transmit the infection sexually to your partner. It can also more commonly get transmitted to a baby from the mother if she is infected. Most people recover from illness from an acute hepatitis infection after adequate treatment. Only 10 % get chronic infection which decades later can cause liver cancer. If you stick with the treatment and followup however, there is less (almost Nil) of a chance of this happening. It may take anywhere from 3-6 months to recover. After treatment if successful, you will no longer be infectious or have the infection. Hope this helps. Take care.

So keep up with the treatment. Do followup. Discuss this with your future partner.

Thank you

Dr. Vineel Pampati
Category: Oncologist
Residency: MD, Kasturba Medical College,Manipal
Medical School: MBBS, College of Medical Science, Bharathpur.
Dr. Vineel Pampati and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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