Resolved question:
i have had mucus in nose and thoat fo months i have tryed everything nose drop antahistmine nose spray staroids spray antabitic i cough and blow my nose and cant get it out clea and sticky is it another nasil infiction i have had 3 i last 3 months
4 Days
From your symptoms, you seem to have developed chronic bronchitis.
Chronic bronchitis is a condition where there is hyper secretion of mucus from lining in pharynx and nose. You have got 3 months history, ideally fits into category of chronic bronchitis. It could be infectious or due to foreign body. There is variety of causes for chronic bronchitis. I suggest you to use a mucolytic, so that the mucus collection gets dissolved and you feel relieved. You can try chromogalyn, this is not trade name, and it's a drug name. You can try taking steam inhalation with Vicks smeared on the top. And take in deep breaths for half an hour on alternate days.
You can take a course of clindamycin twice a day for 5 days, if there is a bacterial infection. If after trying this even after a week there is no relief then I suggest you visit a physician, who will conduct a few physical examination and ask to get X ray done.
Thank you.